Page 160 of Power Play Rivals

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“The honest way. I’m not going to sink to his level. No. But I will teach him a lesson he will never forget,” I seethe.

“And what lesson is that?” Trent asks, wrapping his arms around my waist.

“That when you come for mine, I come for yours.”

“That’s right, baby.” Trent’s dark eyes gleam with pride. “Show him that he fucked with the wrong woman.My woman.”

His belief in me swells my heart to double its size, and suddenly, I feel the urge to tell him that I love him with all my heart.

I’m about to open my mouth and say just that when Brigitte knocks on the door.

“I’m terribly sorry to interrupt, but the club’s publicist has requested an urgent meeting with management.”

“I’m pretty sure I already know what it’s about,” Trent lets out an exaggerated exhale before giving my lips a quick peck to follow Brigitte out the door.

“Trent?” I call out before he leaves.

“Yes, kitten?” he retorts expectantly.

But my nerve leaves me.

“Nothing. See you at home?”

“Count on it.” He winks. “Now go and give that fucker hell. Love you.”

“I love you too,” I whisper after he’s gone.

“Ms. Lee,” Benjamin Flynn greets enthusiastically, standing up from his chair when I approach his table.

“Hello, Mr. Flynn,” I reply, shaking his hand.

“How many times must I insist on your calling me Benjamin?” He smiles widely. “How lovely to see you here. Are you dining alone?” he asks as he eyes the busy restaurant, concluding that I’m alone when it looks noone is waiting on me. “Would you like to join me and my son for dinner? Ethan is currently engaged in a phone call outside, but I’m sure he wouldn’t mind you joining us.”

“That’s very kind of you, Benjamin, but I’m afraid I’ll have to decline,” I reply politely. “Though, I would like a moment of your time, if that’s alright?”

“Of course it is. Please,” he says, pointing to the empty chair opposite him. “Have a seat.”

I thank him again and sit down.

“By any chance, does this impromptu visit mean you’ve considered my offer?” His friendly eyes sparkle. “Like I’ve said before, you could go a long way at ProStar. We could use an agent of your caliber.”

“Thank you for the generous offer, but as I’ve explained to you on previous occasions, I’m very happy with my current role at ESA. Still, it’s always flattering to hear that other agencies also appreciate my hard work.”

“How could they not?” he blurts out in earnest. “Everyone knows that Piper Lee isthesports agent to hire in this city. I just heard you got Jack Donavan almost a hundred million for an eight-year contract with the Boston Guardians. Very impressive. ESA is beyond lucky to have you, but should you ever feel unappreciated there, you know my door is always open.”

I smile in gratitude for his kind words, especially since I know they’re heartfelt.

Though I despise Ethan, I’ve always been fond of Benjamin.

Unlike his unscrupulous and unethical son, Benjamin built his agency from the ground up by being honorable and hardworking. I have immense respect for him, even if I have no desire to work for ProStar. Elite Sports Agency gave me a shot when most agencies wouldn’t even let me pass through their front doors. Even today, many agencies still look down on women having any type of role in the world of sports, much less let them represent their big-name clients. Yes, over the years, things have gotten better. However, there is still so much ground yet to cover regarding women having active leading roles in the world of sports management. So many high ceilings still left to break.

ESA believed in me and my skills before anyone else did. And for that reason, I will always be loyal to them, no matter how many times Benjamin Flynn offers me to join ProStar.

“Now, if it’s not a job that you’re interested in, then what do I owe the pleasure of this unexpected meeting?”

“First, I’d like to apologize for ambushing you at dinner, but when I called your office, your secretary said that I’d find you here,” I start to explain. “If you’d prefer I set up a meeting with you tomorrow at ProStar headquarters, I’d be more than happy to oblige. But out of respect for you and your company, I thought it best I disclose some worrying information in a more informal setting.”

“My dear, Piper, you have me intrigued,” he says, with a big smile on his face, making me feel a little guilty that, in a second, he’ll have no reason to keep it.
