Page 167 of Power Play Rivals

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“Where is she?” I ask urgently.

“The girls are in Caleb’s room. Since everyone is huddled around Erin, waiting for news about Jack, Piper decided to stay with Caleb. She didn’t want him to wake up in an empty hospital room, not knowing where he was.”

Of course. It wouldn’t be Piper if her protective instincts didn’t kick in during a time of crisis.

“And since Piper won’t leave Caleb’s side, Lottie won’t leave hers. Which means I can’t either,” he adds.

In other words, Wilder would rather be by Jack’s bedside than Caleb’s.

“Who was driving the car?” I ask as we walk through the busy hospital corridor.

“Not sure. We’re getting contradictory information. The cops say it was Caleb driving, but Erin says that the only reason Jack left the house this morning was because Caleb was too drunk to drive. Honestly, I don’t know what to believe,” he explains, pain-stricken. “Not exactly how I’d envisioned starting my honeymoon, I can tell you that much.”


He’s right.

Charlotte and Wilder should have been on their way to a paradisiacal island, and instead, they are here, in a place that reeks of antiseptic and death.

“This way,” he says, quickening his pace, but the minute we turn a corner, I see my love.

“Piper!” I shout, making her turn from her seat by Caleb’s side. She hurriedly stands up, knocking the chair over and rushing into my arms.

“I’m here. I’m here,” I try to comfort her, brushing her hair and kissing the top of her head as she cries into my chest.

“I’ll leave you guys alone,” Wilder says, his forlorn-looking bride hugging his arm at his side.

“Actually, why don’t you two go and check on Jack? Piper and I will stay here with Caleb.

“Haven’t you told him yet?” Charlotte asks, looking up at her husband.

“I didn’t get a chance to,” he retorts, looking like the world was about to end.

“Tell me what?” I ask, only for Piper to hold me tighter, her soft wails picking up speed.

“Caleb is okay. He suffered a few cuts and bruises, but aside from a broken arm and some ribs, he’ll be fine,” Wilder explains, with a foreboding expression plastered all over his face.

“And Jack?”

When his eyes lower to the floor, I feel like someone just sucker-punched me in the gut.

“They,” Piper starts to say, lifting her head up for the first time since I got here. “The doctors think… he’s not going to make it.”


Now I understand why Wilder wants to be by his captain’s side so badly instead of his younger brother’s.

It might be the last time he can.

“Go,” I order. “We’ll stay here. Go and keep me posted.”

“Will do,” he nods, wrapping an arm over his wife.

“Are you going to be okay?” Charlotte asks Piper, grabbing her hand before they take another step.

“I don’t think any of us are going to be okay after this,” Piper whispers, wiping her tears away. “But Trent’s here now. As long as he’s with me, I’ll be okay.”

My arms tighten around her as she waves her friends goodbye.
