Page 20 of Power Play Rivals

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I’ve never been the kind of person to shy away from standing out in a crowd.

But even I feel a bit awkward about the attention I’m getting.

Is there anything more peculiar than a woman happily dancing all by her lonesome in a sea of googly-eyed couples in love?

I feel like I’m stuck in the middle of some kind of warped and bizarre version of Where’s Waldo.

That dismal thought keeps banging away in my head, louder than the gorgeous melody that Hozier is singing to his devoted crowd.

Tonight wasn’t supposed to be like this.

The original plan was for Lottie and me to start our girls’ night with the concert and paint the town red afterward. With her busy schedule of finding soulmates for half of Boston, and my hectic hours of ensuring my players are well looked after, we were long overdue for some much-needed bestie time together.

Unfortunately for me, she ditched me to run off to New York to spend the weekend with her slimy-ass boyfriend, Cooper. It’s been ten years since he managed to sink his claws into her, and no matter how many times I tell her he’s a dirtbag, she still doesn’t see what a piece of shit he really is.

Lottie can do so much better than that pretentious asshole.

I guess it’s true what they say—love really is blind.

Not that I’m an expert on the matter. Love is Lottie’s area of expertise, not mine.

But I have been around the block a few times to know a thing or two when it comes to men.

Usually, the bigger the ego, the smaller the dick.

I also have this uncanny ability to see through people’s bullshit, and there’s no doubt in my mind that Cooper Adams should be crowned king of bull. Anytime I’m forced to spend time with the pompous jerk, I feel like I need to take a long-ass hot shower just to wash away the stench of bullshit that comes out of his mouth. Half of what he says is either a completely fabricated lie or a distorted version of the truth.

I really don’t get what Lottie sees in that prick.

But that’s Lottie for you.

Always loyal to a fault, even to jackasses that don’t deserve it.

No matter.

I’m sure I’ll have some fun tonight regardless of being stood up by my best friend.

It’s not like I don’t like spending time by myself.

I spend enough of it tolerating people I don’t like at work, so spending some quality time by myself sometimes is more of a required necessity rather than lack of options.

It’s my own form of self-care, if you will.

But sometimes, on occasions like these, where romance is in the air, it can get a little bit… disheartening.

But hey, it could be worse.

I could be chained to a dead-end relationship with an asshole boyfriend like Cooper.


Not wanting to entertain that depressing thought any further, I close my eyes and just let Hozier’s melodic voice take me away to a place where desire and passion rule.

Okay, maybe I’m not lonely per se. Still, I am starting to think that my real issue with being surrounded by so many lovey-dovey couples is that it heightens the fact that lately, I’ve been feeling… achy.

In other words, fucking horny.

I can’t even remember the last time I had some hot, meaningless, no-strings-attached, dirty sex.
