Page 15 of Preacher

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"Can't," I say. "I've tried, but he spouts shit about how it’s his name on the lease and he’ll have me arrested for trespassing. So right now, my hands are tied. I argue with him knowing he'll leave for days, but it's getting old real fast."

"No doubt. Fuck, we'll sort something out. Maybe we can find a new place? That way, we won't have to worry about him."

I sigh. I need to tell him everything. I turn and face him. "Yeah, about that... I can't."

His brows knit together. "What? Why?"

"Remember I was telling you that Da is in a lot of debt?" He nods. "Well, Da somehow managed to make me the one responsible to pay it back. He owes almost forty grand, Ruairi. I'm trying my fucking hardest to pay it off as much as I can, but every time I save up money, the bastard steals it."

"Why the hell are you paying it off and who the fuck does he owe?"

"Jed O'Connor," I tell him, and watch as he rears back. "I got it down to below thirty, but then Da borrowed more money from him, making it go back up. Jed's a prick. I tried to speak with Jed, to ask him to stop loaning da the money he told me he doesn't take his direction from me and that Da's the only Mangan he'll deal with. Which means I'm stuck, but paying this shit back."

"The hell you are," he snaps. "I'll go and see Jed, let him know it's not fucking happening."

"Don't," I hiss. "Don't."

His eyes narrow. "What the fuck aren't you telling me?"

I glance away, crossing my arms over my chest. "Da promised Jed that he could take me if I don't pay the debt back. When I first found out, I lost my fucking mind, Ruairi, but Jed and his men aren't to be messed with. Those bastards sent me to the hospital with a broken wrist."

Something I had to work through. Thankfully, my next door neighbor is a saint and was able to get me some heavy dose painkillers so I could work through the pain. It's healed, but it was painful for a while.

"I'll kill him, Ailbhe. I'll fucking kill him."

"I can't kick him out and I can't leave. No one is going to lease me a house while I'm paying off the debt, and I don't want Jed to come to the house, especially with the girls here."

"You leave Da to me. I'll start looking for a job and will help you out."

I close my eyes. "That would be great. Thank you."

He shakes his head. "Don't thank me, Ailbhe. I should have been doing this a fucking long time ago. No more secrets, okay?"

"I promise. No more secrets."

"Good. Now, first things first: changing the locks on the front door."

I laugh. Da has no idea what's about to happen. Ruairi and Da have always had a tumultuous relationship, and I have a feeling it's going to get a whole lot worse. I can't lie, I'm so fucking glad Mikey called Ruairi home. I'm not sure I'd have been able to be this relaxed had he not. I'm hoping that means things are looking up.

God, I pray that they are.



"Who was the girl?" Raptor asks with a grin.

My brother came back from New York six weeks ago. He's settling in great, but he's determined to find his woman. The one he had a one-night stand with a while ago and hasn't seen since. Even Chloe hasn't seen her, and that's crazy seeing as Chloe is her best friend. The woman seems to have just vanished.

"What girl?" I ask, acting stupid. I know he saw me talking to the woman outside the strip club last night.

I fucked up with her. She was right; I have no idea what her name is. Hell, I can't remember much about being with her other than it was beyond fucking amazing, to the point I'm now dreaming about her. It's been weeks and she's all I’ve been dreaming about. It's beyond fucked up. But that's what happens when I hit the bottle. I become a fucking drunken asshole and I can't remember my own name, let alone anyone else’s.

"You're full of shit, brother. You know that?" he says, shaking his head. "Never seen you chase tail before. What's with her anyway? She's not like your usual woman."

I don't answer him. Fuck, the woman in question is gorgeous, and I mean dead gorgeous. She's got a sweetness to her that I've only seen in the women my brothers have been with. She's intriguing, but I doubt she'll even give me the time of day. I fucked up, and it's going to take a whole lot of groveling to get her back. That's if I can remember her name.

"You at the club tonight?" I ask, hoping to change the subject.
