Page 177 of Rope the Moon

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There’s just one little problem.

I don’t know where the fuck I am.

Chest heaving, I stop and scan my surroundings.

There are two paths. Right or left. The ranch and the road are below me. Somewhere. But so is Aiden.

Twigs crunch behind me as Aiden closes the gap between us.

Fuck. Fuck.

My heart trembles in my chest.

Think, Dakota.

I close my eyes. Davis’s words echo in my head.

Meadow Mountain and Eden is to the west. The hiking trail near the cabin leads back to the ranch.

I open my eyes and frantically scour the ground.

Hiking trail. Hiking trail.

I note a rugged dirt path to my right. Unmarked, but that has to be it.

I turn to run, but my foot catches on a root and I’m sent sprawling. I hit the forest floor, covering my belly protectively. Excruciating pain radiates through my leg.

I cover my face with my hands in anguish. My cheeks are wet and I don’t remember when I started crying again.

“Fuck,” I moan into my palms. I’m exhausted. Numb. But I can’t afford to stop.

I have everything. Everything to lose.

Soft dough in my hand. My fingertips gripping the sheet corner, Davis’s mouth on mine. The squirm of my baby in my belly. Fallon’s sharp laugh in the morning at The Corner Store. My father telling me he’s proud of me.

Mine. All mine.

I fought for this life, and I am not losing it now.

Sucking in a sharp breath, I look up at the moon.

“Don’t stop,” I tell myself. Squish kicks like he’s telling me to move my ass. “Get up. Don’t stop.”

A snuffling noise cuts through the night. Something dark and swift barrels over my side. The scent of musk and dirt lingers in the air.

I flatten against the ground and feel for a rock. My heart’s going to explode out of my chest. I close my hand over the rock and hold my breath, ready to spring. Attack.

That’s when a warm, wet nose hits my elbow.

“Keena?” Hope springs. Davis is close. He found me.

Palms flat against damp earth, I press myself up and gasp.

The wolf.

Inquisitive yellow eyes stare back at me. Her fur’s silver tipped with black. We’re inches apart.

“Dakota!” Aiden’s voice echoes in the night.
