Page 179 of Rope the Moon

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The rock hits Aiden smack center in the forehead, catching him off guard.

It’s all I need.

I slam an elbow into Aiden’s stomach and twist out of his arms.

I sprint blindly toward Ford.

He pulls me into a tight hug that shields me. “Don’t watch,” he says, low in my ear.

Davis fires.

Gunshots ring out.

I flinch against Ford’s chest.

Silence. My heartbeat throbs in my temples.

I stay still for a long second, curled into Ford, barely able to breathe, to believe, and then—


Davis’s whiskey-soaked voice is heaven to my ears.

A cry leaves my mouth. I practically fly the distance between us, so fast my feet barely touch the ground. I throw myself into Davis’s arms.

“Dakota,” he mutters desperately. Cradling me tight against him, he kisses my jaw, my hair, my cheek, my lips. “Christ, I have you. I have you.”

I let the last thread of calm holding me together snap. A terrible sob rocks my body, but Davis only holds me tighter. I melt into him—soak in his steadiness, breathe in his strength.

“It’s okay,” he husks, rocking me back and forth. “You’re okay. I got you.”

He does. He always has. The lengths he’s gone to for me steal my breath.

“Aiden?” I look up at him.

“Don’t look,” he orders, crushing me to his chest.

But I have to.

I have to see that he’s gone.

When I look over, I see Aiden King face-up, unmoving on the forest floor. Two perfectly placed holes right between the eyes.

“He’s gone,” I whisper. Tears slide down my cheeks.

“It’ll never be enough,” Davis says, crushing me closer. “For what he did to you.” His dark brown eyes burn with icy fury, wild and intense. Too much rage for the man I love.

I reach up and cup that strong, whiskered jaw. “I knew you’d come. I knew you’d find us.”

“Baby, I was ready to tear down the entire fucking world the second he took you.”

Behind us, sirens cut the night air.

Footsteps. Ford.

“How in the hell you find us?” Davis gruffs over the top of my head.

“Woo-woo shit, man,” Ford drawls. I hear the soft lope of his boots, see the smile on his face as he passes us by in the forest. “It’s that woo-woo shit.”
