Page 20 of Damned Embers

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The drive back didn’t take long at all. I tried to obey the speed limits but with power like this under my hands, it was hard to do. I knew the local cops wouldn’t do much but scold me if they did pull me over. At the same time, I pulled into the parking lot at the warehouses, there was another sports car pulling in that I had never seen before. Downshifting, I pulled into a parking spot at the front and got out. Leaning against the driver's door I waited to see who was going to step out of the vehicle. The windows were tinted so dark it was impossible to see who was inside.

The second the passenger door opens I stop breathing. Sky steps out of the car but before she gets too far she’s turning and reaching into the back seat. From this angle, I can get a good look at her and how well her tight black jeans hug her ass. She’s always been on the smaller side but that’s never stopped her from having the most perfect round ass I’ve ever seen. It always fits so perfectly in my hands. I loved it when she let me spank her during sex.

Woah, down boy.I tell my dick. I refuse to let her affect me like this again, no matter how sinful her body still is. A part of me wants to explore every inch and see if she added any new tattoos. She knows I used to always enjoy exploring her body.

My curiosity gets the better of me. Instead of just watching her walk inside, I’m pushing up off the side of my car and heading her way trying to beat her to the door. My hand snakes out to grab her arm and stop her before she can get too much further.

That’s the second I knew I screwed up.

Her body freezes at my touch. She doesn’t move an inch. I’m not even positive if she's breathing still. I had expected her to turn and look at me, say something. But nothing. Not a word comes out of her mouth. Her fear leaks into me. I want to remove my hand but I can’t. It’s like electricity between us, pulling us together. Clearing my throat, I try to find something to say to her, to make her less scared of me but I can’t find the words. I’m afraid she’ll tell me to let me go. I’m scared she’s going to run away from us again.

I should have known this was a bad idea. Being this close to her is driving me insane. From here I can smell the shampoo and conditioner she uses on her hair. It’s the same as before with a scent of coconut to it. It always drove me wild.

“I suggest you remove your hand from her arm,” Valentina scolds, her voice laced with a promise of what will happen if I don’t do what she says.

Her words pull me back to the now and I quickly remove my hand. The second I’m no longer touching Sky she visibly relaxes where she stands. I hate that. I hate her reaction to me touching her. I thought if I just faced her now, and got her to talk to me then maybe we could at least work together. Knowing she freaks out when someone touches her sets me in a rage I didn’t know I could still feel over her.

Protective, that’s the word.

I’m protective over the woman who broke my heart. The one who broke my brothers’ hearts. It shouldn’t be possible but it is. Whoever changed her, and made her scared of us is going to pay one way or another. My fist clenches at my side with my resolve. Someone will be paying for this–and soon.

Slowly she turns around to face me. Her expression is guarded and I can tell she’s trying to still swallow the fear she just felt. Her smile may seem dangerous, like she’s pissed someone stopped her but her eyes… Those green eyes give away her fear. She’s still reeling from the panic attack last night. Sudden movements can set her off still.

Fuck. I completely forgot about that. I’m going to need to be more careful.

“Can we talk? Please,” I nearly beg. My voice was so low I was almost afraid she didn’t hear me.

She lets out a sigh and gives me a small nod of agreement.

Knowing that’s the best I’m going to get, I point to my car and head that way. Valentina reaches out to take Sky’s guitar case and the two share some sort of silent communication before Sky begins walking to the car. In two strides I catch up to her and start opening the driver's door. She pauses and gives me a questioning look before moving to the other side and getting into the passenger seat. Well fuck. Maybe I should have used my words because I was trying to let her drive. I don’t mind being the passenger bitch if it’s for her.

Shrugging, I accept that I’m driving and drop into the seat. Pressing the start button, the engine revs to life beneath us. I take a quick glance to look at Sky beside me. I thought she’d be more shaken by being back in this car but she isn’t. Her arms are crossed and she looks annoyed. Backing out of the lot, I let the silence hang between us until we reach an open back road where I can really let the car fly.

Opening it up, I hit the gas and reach ninety miles per hour in seconds. The road is straight with only a few turns in it. I know each of them like the back of my hand. The further down the road we go, the more twists and turns there are.

I hear a small gasp from the passenger seat and it makes me smile even more. She remembers. She remembers how I finger fucked her pussy as she drove these roads in this very car. She came on my fingers and never once missed a beat shifting gears.

“What did you want to talk about, Gunner?” she questions. I can hear the eye roll in her voice without even looking to see if she did it.

“Why did you leave?” I get right to the point, not bothering to sugarcoat it.

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” she snarks. “I left, end of story. You all need to move on.”

“It’s not that fucking easy, Skylar,” I growl, slamming my hand against the top of the steering wheel. “You destroyed each of us when you left without a damn word. We were a family, you walked out on us. We deserve a fucking answer.”

“No you don’t” she snarls, finally turning to look at me.

I give her what she wants, turning my head to stare at her. I know these roads, so I’m not worried about us wrecking. She wants to stare at me and be stubborn, fine. I can do this all fucking day with her until she gives me what I want.

“You’re not getting out of this fucking car until you give me something, Skylar. Anything!” My voice is raw in a way only she can bring out.

“Fine!” she shouts. I can hear the sadness she’s holding back. “I left to save all of your lives. It’s the same fucking reason I’m back.”

Her admission floors me. Slamming on the brakes I bring the car to a stop and pull off to the shoulder where we won’t get hit. “What the fuck does that mean to save our lives?” Since when were our lives at risk? I’m so fucking confused by her admission. It’s an answer sure, but it just leaves me with even more questions.

“Please,” she begs. “Don’t make me tell you the truth.”

The good guy in me knows I shouldn’t push her. That part of me is buried deep though. The asshole in me is demanding answers. I don’t care how much this hurts her to tell me the truth I want it. One way or another.
