Page 33 of Damned Embers

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“While you two were arguing, I scanned the room. It’s safe to talk to him. Please,” she begs. “Stop hurting yourself trying to fix something that was never your fault in the first place.”

“That won’t fix anything, Val,” Sky answers her, completely forgetting I’m even standing in front of her.

I can hear how broken she sounds with her words and it’s melting the ice around my heart that I thought was impenetrable. I knew Sky was different. I saw it in the way she had a panic attack in the hallway, in the way she is more confident at times, but in moments like this, I can still see that scared girl from all those years ago when Jimmy Teller tried to force himself on her. I have no idea what the two of them are talking about or what she is trying to atone for, but I’m done standing here confused. It’s about time she starts giving me answers, and I will get them one way or another.

Taking a step forward, I make sure there is barely an inch between Skylar and myself. Her small stature puts her head underneath mine, and she’s forced to pull her head back and look up at me. I grasp her jaw between my thumb and index finger, forcing her to keep her eyes on me and not step away. “I have no idea what the two of you are talking about, but I’m done being left in the dark. Start talking Sky, and don’t leave a damn thing out. I’ll know if you do.”

“You can’t force me to talk, Creed,” she growls, the fire back in her eyes. She tries to pull out of my hold, but I’m not letting go.

I’ll take her anger over her tears any day. “That’s where you’re wrong. I thought you were a genius,” I smirk, letting my guard drop and my playful side sneak out some.

“Using part of my nickname isn’t going to gain you any points,” her voice comes out stronger, and she tries to pull out of my hold once more. She didn’t realize that I had used the distraction, and she walked backwards until she was against a wall. There was nowhere for her to escape.

“No idea what you’re talking about,” I smile and lean down until our lips barely brush. “Start talking, Computer Genius. You owe me an explanation.” A moan escapes her lips before she can stop herself. “I know you. I know your body. I’ll give you what you need just this once.” I don’t give her a chance to stop me, my lips sliding down her neck and placing soft kisses down the trail to her exposed shoulder. My left hand moves from her chin down her neck until I have a possessive hold on her exactly how I know she likes. My knee slides between her legs widening her stance. My right hand slides down her waist until I reach the front of her jeans and ever so slowly I pop the front button open. When she doesn’t talk I stop all movement. “Talk or I stop,” I demand in a low husky voice.

“I left because someone was threatening me,” her voice so low I almost missed her words.

My temper flares at her words. Who the fuck would think threatening her would be a good idea? The second she tells me who, I will make sure they pay. Sky was untouchable by everyone but me and my brothers, we had made that crystal fucking clear. Whoever threatened her as a death wish.

“You stopped moving,” she whispers, tilting her hips up to prompt me to keep moving.

Shoving my anger down as far as I can, I go back to focusing on making her feel pleasure while she tells me more. We made a deal after all. Undoing her zipper and sliding her jeans down her hips to give me more room she begins talking more.

“It started as little notes, exactly like the one you found. Then it moved to bloody roses, and then the notes became more threatening. Whoever it is sounded like they were obsessed with me. They threatened you guys and it just kept getting worse,” Sky sighs her head falling back against the wall.

By this point, I’ve shoved her panties to the side and my thumb is playing with her clit while I have two fingers deep inside her, stringing her exactly like one of my guitars the way she likes. A little moan escapes her as she clenches tightly around my fingers. I can’t help myself, moving my lips from her shoulder up to her lips. If she’s going to moan, I’m going to feel it. No one gets to hear the sounds she makes except me. Sky opens her lips and deepens the kiss without any prompting. In just a few more strokes of my fingers, she’s falling apart for me, her sounds being swallowed by our kiss.

“Good Girl,” I mumbled against her lips, breaking the kiss. “Keep going, and I’ll give you another.” I watch her closely, her lust-filled eyes brightening at the mention of another orgasm. She always knew how to handle multiple orgasms back to back. To emphasize my point I pinch her clit between my thumb and forefinger, the small amount of pain making her moan once more.

“It got to the point that whoever was sending the messages said that if I didn’t leave you all they would kill you,” she murmurs, and her body tenses with the words. “I didn’t believe them at first but then you got hurt.”

I stop all my movements at her words. “Sky, you can’t blame yourself for me being an idiot. I knew it was risky claiming up on top of the stage platforms, but the guys drunkenly dared me and I wasn’t going to back down.”

“No,” she shakes her head, and a couple of tears escape from her eyes. “Someone overheard your dare and fucked with them that night before you climbed up there. I checked myself the second you were released from the hospital. You shouldn’t have been able to fall through them. Someone had cut the bolts, it was unstable.”

There’s no way. It was an accident, everyone said so. A part of me doesn’t believe her but I also know Sky was never a liar. If she honestly believed that as the truth then it explains so many things. The old Sky would always do everything to protect us. If she thought leaving was the only answer then she would do it.

“Why didn’t you tell us?” The question comes out in a whisper. Deep down I know the answer but I need to hear her say it.

“I couldn’t. They told me if I said a word to anyone they would hurt you all,” she confessed, lowering her head to my chest. “I couldn’t risk you all getting hurt. I loved you so much. I would have done anything to protect you all. Fuck it’s why I’m back here now. I meant to disappear and let you all hate me for the rest of our lives if it kept you safe but I wasn’t given a choice.”

“Why did you come back, Sky? The truth,” I add, even though I know right now she isn’t holding back. I need to hear the real reason. I doubt the label forced her back. I’m sure they didn’t even have a clue where she was hiding.

When she doesn’t answer, I wiggle my fingers inside her cunt reminding her what she gets if she talks. Her head shoots up from my chest and our eyes clash. I’m not sure what exactly she is looking for in my own expression but she gives me a small smile when she sees it and then nods.

“Ezra’s death. The calling card left on him was the stalker deciding they wanted me to play again. They wanted me back here, but I don’t know why,” she explains, her voice sounding haunted, despite the way her cunt is clenching around my fingers.

“Do you know who it is?” Knowing her she didn’t just drop the subject when she left. Especially with the resources she had by working with Rockport Security, she had to have kept digging all this time.

“For sure? No, but I do have a suspicion,” she answers with a moan as I flick her G-spot for being such a good girl with her answers.

“Who? Freddy?” That guy has always been a pain in our asses but I don’t see him being capable of killing someone. Stalking? Oh hell yeah for sure, but he’d also get caught in a heartbeat because he is such a perv.

“He couldn’t harm a fly despite how creepy he is,” she chuckles. “No, someone else. Someone that no one would suspect.”

“Sky,” I groan, not liking her holding back. I stop moving my fingers knowing I mean business. “No orgasm if you don’t give me a name, Genius.”

“I don’t want to falsely accuse anyone,” she answers, her voice stronger than I expected it to be. “Now, I told you the truth I want my payment,” she demands, her dainty hand coming to wrap around my wrist to force my fingers back inside her.
