Page 36 of Damned Embers

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“I know, I know,” I grumble. “I just need outside, Val. The fresh air. I need it to relax my mind. There isn’t anything more I can do right now. We have no leads.”

“Damnit,” she groans. “Knox is going to kill me for this. Fine, but go to the roof. No one should find you up there. You get thirty minutes, then I’m coming to get you. Deal?”

“Deal!” I practically shout with excitement. Spinning around, I waste no time opening the door and heading out into the hallway. I get thirty minutes, and I’m going to take advantage of every single second.


“Oh come on!” I groan under my breath the second I hear the roof access door slam shut behind me. Checking the time on my phone, I see it’s only been twenty minutes. I still have ten damn more minutes.

“Valentina!” I scold, the rest of my sentence disappearing when I turn around to see it isn’t her standing behind me. Just past the doorway is a person I never would have suspected to come anywhere near me.

There are no words as I stand there watching his six-foot-tall frame stalking towards me. His brown hair is hanging in front of his piercing green eyes that haven’t moved from me. It’s like he’s staring straight into my soul, and every step he takes closer makes me want to run. I wish that I could, but I’m frozen in place. The hold he has on me is almost stronger than it was all those years ago. Impossible, I know, but true.

“You really shouldn’t be on the roof by yourself. Who knows what could happen when you’re all alone?” His voice is deeper, darker, than I’m used to. Colder too.

“Why? Are you planning to throw me off the side?” The confidence in my voice is completely fake. A small part of me thinks he actually would do it.

“Tempting,” he answers with a dark smirk. “It’s not like anyone would actually miss you right? Just a little push and I’m sure the news stories would twist something about rehab not being enough for all these years and that you took your own life because you just couldn’t handle the success of the band.”

His words cause my hands to shake at my sides. That’s exactly what the news stories would think too. Not a soul would know that he was responsible for it. I just have to believe he wouldn’t actually do it. He was never like that before. It’s not who he is deep down.

Who am I kidding? I have no idea who he is anymore deep down. I don’t really know any of them anymore, especially not him. He always held his truths closer to his chest then the others. Also needing to be the one responsible for each of us.

“Sebastian,” I whisper when he comes to a stop in front of me. I have to tilt my chin up to look him in the eyes. My legs are shaking despite how frozen my body is. I’m terrified and he knows it.

“The little Princess finally understands just how fucked she is,” he chuckles. “Your fear is so sweet. I almost wish I could bottle it up and keep it.”

“What do you want?” I mumble, my voice almost completely gone.

“I want you to stay far the fuck away from my brothers. I know they’ve been spending time with you. Stop using your body to convince them things will be different. You broke them once and I refuse to let you break them again,” he demands. His eyes darken to a shade of green I’ve never seen before on him. I’m pretty sure that if looks could kill I would be dead right about now.

“I never asked them to talk to me. I didn’t come here to break you all again. It’s the last thing I wanted. Trust me I wouldn’t be here if I had a choice.” Already I can see that my words fell on deaf ears. Sebastian had made up his mind about me a long time ago and he wasn’t about to change that anytime soon.

I try to make my way around him but he doesn’t let me. Sebastian’s hand reaches out to grab my wrist, holding me in place. His grip is so tight that I just may have a bruise from it shortly, especially if he doesn’t let go soon.

“This is your last warning, Princess. Stay away from my brothers.” His free hand wraps around my neck, tilting my head to face him as he leans down and presses his lips against my own. The kiss is hard and fast. Before I can blink he’s already letting me go and walk away.

While I stand there frozen, shocked at what he just did. He’s already disappeared through the roof access door that he just arrived through. There’s no way I’m going to make it back inside now. Not when I don’t even know what the fuck that kiss was about.

Chapter Twenty-One

~ 4 Years Ago

For weeks now, our Princess has been retreating from us. Despite all our attempts to draw her out and figure out what’s wrong, she still hides herself from us. I thought we had gotten past that in high school when we showed her how much she meant to us. Every day my brothers and I have tried to show her how important she is and just how beautiful she is, inside and out.

Sky is such a unique character. She’s full of love and life but she also has her demons. Sky shines when she is helping others and trying to put a smile on someone's face. The second she becomes the center of attention is when things change. Sky retreats within herself forgetting her self-worth and tries to hide behind others. She doesn’t think that the things she does are such a big deal to be celebrated but I disagree. My brothers would as well.

Maybe that’s why I always put her in the spotlight and put her first in my life. Sky deserves the world and I’m determined to give it to her. She doesn’t realize it but I am always watching her. I always will watch her. That’s why I have a surprise for her tonight.

We have the night off from concerts which means we finally have a chance to let loose and just be ourselves. I have every intention of taking us back to our roots. We’re only one town over from where we grew up in Coventry, which means I know the best place to take her and get her spirits up.


Sky loves feeling the horsepower of a vehicle when she shifts gears around the winding wooded roads of our hometown. She knows those roads better than anyone. I’m almost positive she could drive them with her eyes closed but that’s not something I would ever suggest testing. No, she’s already in enough danger racing on the roads, even if I trust her implicitly to handle herself and the car. Testing if she could drive with her eyes closed, no that’s adding way too many risks to the equation.

“Bas, I told you already I don’t want to go anywhere, please,” Sky begs from the little cocoon she made for herself in her hotel bed. We always made sure she got the biggest room in our hotel suites since at least one of us was sleeping with her every night as it was.

My heart broke at her words. This isn’t the Sky I know and love. She is stronger than this. Now I’m even more positive that she needs to get out of this hotel room and have some fun.
