Page 43 of Damned Embers

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"Sorry, Gunner, but Sky is right. We do all need to talk tonight so you will need to borrow her another night," Knox annoyingly chimes in, jumping to my girl's defense.

Nah, that ain’t gonna fly with me. She's mine. "Well, if you are just so insistent that she is needed for dinner, why don't Creed and I tag along? Right, Bro?" I look at him and see him nod.

"It would be nice to get to know you all since you are so important to Sky," Creed chimes in calmly.

"I...," Knox starts but is cut off by Sky.

"Actually, that's not a half-bad idea," my woman agrees and moves to stand in front of me. The possessive side of me wants me to reach out and pull her back against me, but I was already being a possessive asshole tonight, so I let her be. "They know what's going on. They know everything."

"Everything?" Knox almost shouts, his face contorting in a mix of anger and confusion.

"They sort of demanded answers from me," Sky says with a shrug, not the least bit afraid of her boss. "I... They deserved to know the truth, and honestly, I'm glad they know."

That's news to me. I didn't know she was happy for the secret to be out of the dark. I had thought she wanted to take that secret to the grave and walk away from us once more. Maybe this is a chance for us all to start over. I was planning on forcing her hand in this, but just maybe I won't have to. Maybe.

"Sky," Knox sighs and shakes his head. "Fuck. Okay they can come to dinner with us, but you all better start explaining yourselves."

"Thank you, Knox," she mumbles and gives him a hug.

Ignoring the fact that another male is touching my woman, I state the obvious instead. "Well, I guess that settles it. Let's all get some dinner."

Chapter Twenty-Four

This has been the most awkward dinner of my life. I planned on it being just business with Knox, Rome, and Valentina. Of course, Gunner and Creed had to crash it and not take no for an answer. Already my mind was confused after witnessing Knox and Rome torture Freddy for answers. I knew at times violence was part of the job, but I much preferred to stay behind the computer screen and not take part in it. Freddy didn't even give us many answers that we sought. All I know for sure is that Freddy isn't the one stalking me, he's just a slimy sleazeball who thinks he walks on water because of his brother. With him off the list, I'm back to square one. I honestly hadn't thought this mission would take long, but now I'm wondering if we will ever find out who the true stalker and murderer is.

"Sky, are you listening?" questions Knox pulling me from my thoughts.

Shit."Yeah, I'm listening," I sigh with a lie. I really wasn't listening but unless they changed the conversation from when I tuned out, Creed and Knox were debating the best cities to party in. I didn't have a preference either way.

Knox hums and shakes his head, turning his attention back to the debate at the table. Gunner, however, returns his focus to me. The bastard chose to sit directly next to me at the table. He sat close enough to me so that when he reached his hand over to lay it on my leg no one noticed.Bastard.For the last couple of minutes, he went from just having his palm settled against my leg, to running his hand up and down my thigh, making sure to stop every so often to caress the seam of my jeans pressed against my cunt. The added pressure is driving me insane.

"I know you zoned you," Gunner leans over to whisper in my ear. He takes the opportunity to nibble on my earlobe with the move as well, causing goosebumps to break out across my skin.

"What are you doing, Gunner?" I hiss, pulling away to turn and look at him. If a look could kill, mine would. What he's doing is inappropriate and we sure as shit shouldn't be discussing it in front of my boss and coworkers.

"Reminding you of why we're good together," he chuckles, leaning back into his seat and turning back to the table.


"I need to use the restroom," I state to no one in particular as I push my chair back to stand. Valentina moves hers as well but I shake my head no. There's no reason for me to be escorted into the bathroom here. It's a small restaurant and we're already tucked back in the corner as it is. No one would be stupid enough to try something here.

It takes less than a minute to walk to the bathroom and push open the door. I had expected it to be a single, but there appear to be three stalls, one of which is a handicap stall in the women's room. With a quick check pushing each of the doors open I ensure the room is clear before choosing one to use. I assumed the restaurant was safe but even still I wanted to check. One can never be too careful anymore.

After flushing, I open the stall door and gasp when I move to the sink. Gunner is standing right there blocking me. "What the fuck are you doing in here?" I snarl, shoving him out of the way to wash my hands. It's impossible to ignore his presence completely and trust me I was trying.

"We didn't finish our talk," he murmurs, pushing into my personal space and crowding me against the sink. With his chest to my back, I can feel the heat from his body. Looking in the mirror I can see anger and lust in his gaze. I don't know which one he's going to give me. I thought we had made peace but a small part of me is terrified he is about to retract it. "I've thought long and hard about everything we've said."

"Are you going back on your word?" I push back into him in a feeble attempt to create space between us. Instead, all it does is force our bodies closer together.

"No, but I am changing our deal." His left arm wraps around my waist holding me against his chest as his right snakes under the hem of my shirt and runs his fingers along the top of my jeans. "I'll help you find Ezra's killer, but I also want you. I'm done fighting this attraction. You belong to me and I'm not letting you go again." There's a bite to his tone with an undercurrent of lust.

"I thought you hated me for leaving?" my voice stutters on the last word, trying to fight back the hope blooming in my chest. I knew it would be hard to fight my feelings for the guys, I just thought I'd be strong enough, and right now Gunner is testing my resolve.

"I do, and I probably always will, but you are mine and I'm not letting you go." His right hand slid below my jeans and panty line. It's a tight fit but he manages it. "You're my Demon Queen, Sky. You owe me for your leaving and you're about to start paying up now."

"Gunner," I groan, going somewhat limp in his arms as his fingers tease my click with pressure.

"Do you want me to stop?" He whispers in my ear.
