Page 46 of Damned Embers

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"Just humor us, please," Knox answers politely, though I can hear the veiled annoyance in his tone.

"There! Right there!" I shout seeing Sky being carried out by two men. "Who the fuck is that?"

"And who the hell is the chick in front of them? She's careful to keep her face hidden from cameras. The guys not so much." Knox adds. "Can you give me a copy of that video? I'm going to send it to my team and figure out who those guys are."

"And if I say no?" the manager grumbles.

"If you say no, I'll get your restaurant shut down," I snarl, done playing around with this guy. Someone took my girl and I'm going to get her back. Damn the consequences. Whoever took her is going to pay.

"Fine, fine. Here," the manager passes over a thumb drive. "Don't ever come back here."

"Don't worry, we won't. The service sucked anyway," Knox growls, taking the thumb drive and storming out of the office with my hot on his tail.

"How long will it take to get those identities?" I don't like the idea of Sky being gone for any longer than necessary. "We need to get her back."

"I know. We will," he answers confidently. "Hopefully, within thirty minutes we will have some answers. I have my laptop in the car to get the file sent. Sky is usually our go-to person for computers but the others on our team are good as well."

"They better be," I grumble, hating this more and more. "You have thirty minutes before I unleash Gunner on this town to find her, and I promise you there will be bodies in his wake if and when I do."

"There will be plenty of bodies by the end of this for them taking Sky," Knox snarls in return. "Now, shut up and let me do my fucking job"

Chapter Twenty-Six

My head feels like it's going to explode. The pain radiates from the back of my head all the way to behind my eyes. I know if I don't get some pain medications in me soon it's going to turn into a migraine and that means a trip to the emergency room which is not what I want to be dealing with right now.


Slowly, I open my eyes trying to see where I'm at. I don't remember much from last night, all my thoughts are extremely foggy. The bright lights in the room burn my eyes, making the pain in my head even worse than it was before I opened my eyes. Despite the pain, I finally manage to open my eyes and look around the room I'm in, not recognizing a thing. It's a small run down room. The cold cement floor beneath me leeches all the warmth from my body. On the opposite side of the room is a door that reminds me of a jail cell, metal with a small slit in it to allow trays to pass through, except the slit is at the very bottom of the door.

"Where the fuck am I?" I mumble, pushing myself to sit up and press my back against the wall. Fear flows through my veins paralyzing me in place. I refuse to take my eyes off that door, not wanting to be caught unaware of whoever or whatever is going to come through it.

Grasping my head, I try to think back to the last thing I remember and how I got here. A group of us had gone out to eat. Gunner and Creed were doing everything in their power to piss Knox over and be overly possessive of me. Knox was doing his best to deal with the guys basically pissing on me but I knew he was getting annoyed by their antics. We both knew there was nothing between us, Knox is basically an older brother to me, but Gunner and Creed clearly felt differently for some fucked up reason that only made sense in their head.

"Focus, Sky, what happened after dinner?" The images are blurry as I try to piece them together. I think I went to the bathroom and someone followed me... Who the fuck followed me? I can see them, their image is blurry but it wasn't a bad encounter. No, it was good. Which means it was either Creed or Gunner. One of them fucked me in the bathroom. I remember watching them fuck me in the mirror, giving me everything I wanted and then some. "Fuck!" I shout, grasping at my hair trying desperately to remember.

There has to be something, anything that would remind me how I got here. "Breathe, Sky," I remind myself. I know what trauma looks like. If I force myself to remember it might make things worse. Deep down I know neither Gunner nor Creed would have hurt me so it doesn't matter which one of them fucked me in the bathroom. No, it matters what happened after that. That's the part which is a complete blank in my mind.

Someone took me, that much is clear. This isn't my hotel room. Which means that whoever has been stalking me, clearly had enough. It's the only thing that makes sense. My stalker must have kidnapped me. It was only a matter of time before they showed their hand. I knew that, we all did. Just me being kidnapped hadn't been in one of our contingency plans. I bet my men and Knox are going out of their minds trying to figure out what happened. I just need to lay low and trust them to find me. It's the only option. I refuse to let this asshole win.

"I bet you're wondering where you are?" a female's voice calls out over a speaker somewhere in my room.

One could say that. It'd be nice to know where the fuck I am for starters so I can make a plan. Not like I'm going to say that to whomever this person is. I'd rather let them show their cards before I give any of mine away.

"That's okay, you don't need to talk right now. Soon enough you will be doing plenty for both of us," the voice explains. "I have you at an abandoned jail just outside of town. We won't be here long. Just long enough for you to understand that I want to help you. It's always been about helping you shine and be the woman I know you are. Not the woman those boys tried making you be."

That's rich.I huff silently. This psychopath doesn't know shit about me and the guys of Damned Embers. She sure as shit doesn't know our past as children or teenagers that led us to become Damned Embers. I know my potential. I know what I'm capable of. I'm a guitarist for Damned Embers who does backup vocals, but more than that, I'm a fucking computer genius who knows how to find shit most people wouldn't have a clue to look for. I shine on my own. My guys, Sebastian included even though he's being a dick, and my teammates at Rockport Security know who and what I am, while supporting me fully.

"I know, you don't believe me, I can see it in your face, but don't worry," she sighs. "Food will be delivered shortly for you."


All I can do for now is wait. Why the bitch is delivering food, I have no idea. I just ate dinner and I doubt I've been here long enough for it to be breakfast time yet. This person is legit fuckign psycho. Curling myself up into a ball, I settle in to wait for as long as it takes. I can't do jack shit from inside this cell, but once I'm out I have every intention of fighting.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

"What the fuck do you mean Sky is missing?" I snarl, picking up the closest thing to me, a vase, and throwing it against the wall. Fear and anger are the only two emotions I feel right now. Terrified that something even worse is going to happen to Sky and when we get her back she won't be the same. Terrified that when we do get her back she won't want anything to do with us and will be a shell of herself even more than she is at times. Anger that someone had the guts to steal her from us once again. Anger that my brothers weren't watching her every fucking move, even though they knew she was a target. I'm also angry at myself for not fixing things with Sky earlier and letting her think that I still hate her guts. I never have, I never could. It was just a coping mechanism to protect myself from loving her again. I'll never admit any of this out loud. My brother can continue to think that I don't give a fuck about her It's better that way, safer that way. I can't have her back in my life close to me again.

"We went out to eat at this fancy Italian place. Sky went to the bathroom and was taking awhile to come back. We went to go check on her and saw she was gone," Creed calmly explains once more.

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