Page 127 of Take Her from You

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Alongside his competence at the controls of the helicopter, his hand on the cyclical, or whatever the fuck it was called, and his easy confidence in all things mechanical, I could imagine the youngest bodyguard laying on the charm with a lass. He usually talked to women in the same way he did men, with careful words and respect. But all the lad had to do was smile at them and he’d have someone willing to risk the things he feared.

I raised an eyebrow. “Have ye considered finding a girlfriend?”

“After what I just listened to? Fuck, no. Not happening. It isn’t worth it.”

I wasn’t going to push, but I’d be ready with advice when he needed it. I tipped my head at the door instead. “Fine. Want to go hang with Leo and the family for a couple of hours?”

Earlier, when I’d seen them, my mood had been foul. I wanted to spend some time with Finn again. Nowhere near as much as I needed to bang down Mia’s door and beg to see her,but she’d told me what I needed to do, and I was only fifty percent of the way there.

I wasn’t returning until I could prove I’d listened and done the work.

Tomorrow would change everything.

Early the next morning, I rolled up outside Ben and Daisy’s cottage and climbed out of my car. It was so early, the crisp air iced my face and the sky was barely light.

My brother opened an upstairs window and gazed down. “Valentine? What’s wrong?”

“Nothing bad. Need to talk to ye. Got a minute?”

“Aye, funnily enough, seeing as I was in my fucking bed.” He gave me a reproving smirk that was as much tolerance as censure. In that second, it was just like looking at the boy I’d spent years with at boarding school. The big brother who’d got me out of trouble and colluded with me in stupid pranks.

I’d missed him so much.

Moments later, he was letting me in, a long-sleeved top hastily dragged on along with worn jeans.

Daisy skipped down the stairs in a thick dressing gown. “Got to say I’m surprised to see you here.”

I squinted at her. “Sorry to disturb.”

“That isn’t what I meant.” She threw a glance at my brother. “Anyone for coffee?”

We both shook our heads, and Daisy disappeared into the kitchen. Gesturing for me to take the couch opposite his, Ben watched me, his forehead furrowed and his dark-blond hair in whorls and scruffy from sleep.

I’d resisted doing this, summoning memories and drawing in the conflict it brought. But I was the problem and I was over myself.

“I called Kelly last night.”

He jerked. Passed his hand over his face. “Fuck. Not what I was expecting ye to say.”

“It was about time I told her off for what she did.”

His lips parted, but he let me have the floor.

“Ever since that night, I’ve had this block over handling it. I shut down. It gave me nightmares.”

“Was that the first time ye spoke to her since?”


Ben winced. “I’ll probably regret asking this, but what were the nightmares about?”

“The two of ye together.”

He swore. “I was never alone with her. Not once. Nothing ever happened, and I never suspected her…preference. At the wedding, I was standing there in shock, not enjoying the moment. I’ve always wanted to explain that.”

“I believe ye. I’m sorry, for that and for freezing ye out.”

An apology long overdue but necessary.
