Page 137 of Take Her from You

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“I’m just…so…happy,” she uttered between sobs.

“It means I can be your da, if ye want.” A mini proposal to lead into my main one.

She sobbed harder, her nod and the tight hold bringing tears to my eyes. I boosted her higher and dropped my head down by hers. Around us, people took awed breaths then cooed.

This Scotsman was getting things right at last.

Tobi calmed, letting me blow her nose and dry her eyes. Her last question let me know all was going to be fine.

“Can I be bridesmaid?” she chirped.

Her best friend, Avery, trotted over, Cameron in tow. “Can I be one too? We can match our dresses!”

“Av,” her da warned.

But his grin was all-knowing. Cameron had called this months ago. I was glad to prove him right.

The girls chattered about what happened at a wedding, then I sensed someone’s gaze on me. Finn sidled closer, Zander with him.

I gestured for him to come to my side. “Just who I wanted to see next.”

Finn blinked. “Me?”

“The lad who saved my life by calling out a warning about that bad guy. That was excellent work, and it meant I only had a small cut and not something much worse.”

He flushed red, throwing a proud glance at his friend. Zander’s jaw dropped.

“So,” I continued, “a question for ye, Finn. I wondered if you’d be my ring bearer, if I’m lucky enough to get engaged this evening?”

The wee lad wrinkled his nose. “Aye, but… Do I have to wear a costume? I’m too old for that.”

“A suit will be fine.”

“So I don’t have to be dressed as a bear?”

A bear? I squinted, totally lost but picturing an animal at my wedding.

Cameron came to my rescue. “Ring bearer, Finn. Not a ring bear. It means ye carry the wedding bands. No costumes needed.”

He gave a relieved sigh and accepted while Cameron and I tried not to crack up.

Across the room, my mother watched with her hand at her lips, emotion in her eyes. Another element of my plan fell into place. Something Mia had agreed to without even knowing.

“Tobster, I’ve got someone for ye to meet first. Granny Graham. Your Gigi now.”

“I have a granny?” She led me and danced all the way.

Another twenty minutes, and the text I’d been waiting for landed on my phone.

Ariel: Public.

Ariel: Oh, and five minutes.

“Five minutes,” Ben yelled out from across the hall, clearly having got the same message.

Or had he? Maybe not both.

“Public or private?” I stomped over to him. “What did Daisy vote?”
