Page 138 of Take Her from You

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“Public,” he breathed.

“Mia, too.”

Both of us shared a scared, excited, fucking thrilled moment. Ariel had been under instruction to take our lasses home with plenty of time to dress up fancy. Then, assuming both sniffed out the plot, she gave them the options of how we were going to do this thing. One on one, or in the middle of the space we’d spent all day decorating.

Looked like our beds were made.

A horn sounded outside, and a ripple of excitement crossed the group of family and friends. I slapped the back of my hand to Ben’s chest, and he grabbed me, both of us staring at the door. Voices sounded.

It opened.

Show time.

First, Daisy entered, her mouth open and her bottom lip already trembling. She stared up at the white fairy lights and then at the crowd. When her gaze finally landed on Ben, she burst into tears.

He broke from his position and went to her, drawing her into his arms and uttering quiet words in her ear while slowly leading her back to the centre of the floor.

But my attention left them and went to the next person slipping inside the room. Mia sought me out, her eyes just as wet as Daisy’s. She wasted no time in coming to me, holding on to me, but the tears fell just as hard.

Like with Tobi, I found it a challenge to control my own.

“I havenae even asked yet,” I whispered.

Mia sobbed.

Over her head, I caught Ben’s eye. Both of us sank to our knees. We’d tossed a coin, and he’d won and opted to go first. A good thing, because my throat was so thick I could barely breathe.

“Daisy Devereux, ever since I saw ye escaping out a window, my heart has been yours. Will ye do me the greatest honour and consent to be my bride?”

Daisy wiped her eyes, her smile so big joy shone from her. “Oh, Ben. Yes. Of course I will.”

He rose and kissed her, sliding on a ring Da had brought all the way from the States. Ben had found it online, and nothing else would do for the woman he’d chosen for life. Applause rang out. I clapped, too, then held up my hand. Perfect quiet resumed.

“Mia Walsh.”

Mia’s eyes widened. If Ben had first seen Daisy at a window, our first sight was far more entertaining. But I’d save that one for later.

“I knew from the moment I first laid eyes on ye that there was no other woman for me. It might’ve taken me a while to find the words, but now I have, they’ll never stop. Marry me. Make me the happiest man alive.”

She laughed in pure happiness. “Yes!”

I stood and kissed her, then broke away and beckoned for Tobi. The girl skipped over and held up the ring box I’d asked her to keep hold of.

“Thanks, sweetheart,” I said.

“That’s okay, Da,” she quipped back.

Then she scampered back to my da, her grandfather-to-be, who she’d been tormenting with making him yawn, beaming all the way. Shocked, I spun back to Mia.

“She’s been wanting to say that for a long time,” my fiancée—the only one who ever mattered—filled me in.

“I love it. I love her. I love ye endlessly.”

I placed the ring I’d picked out just for her on her finger. A perfect fit.

Then I kissed the woman who owned me, and listened to the applause. When I was ready, I’d introduce her to my folks. Find Molly so her friend could see I’d taken care of her as I’d promised.

Mia and Tobi were my world now. All it took was a little give and take.
