Page 24 of Unseen Destiny

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The stench of gasoline and motor oil stabbed his nose when he opened the door. It held an undercurrent of mud and rust. Was it rust?

On the other side of his SUV, Ash sniffed deeply. Her eyes jumped to the open garage door, then darted to look everywhere. Mason did the same, then froze, staring at an impression in the mud near a stack of cars. It was a wolf print.

A shadow moved over him. His arm shot up as someone’s teeth tried to take hold. Mason dropped, and they only grazed him. He rolled and kicked the wolf. The beast stumbled on themuddy ground, but it rose faster than Mason. He readied to fend off its next attack. Even in his human form, he liked his odds.

The wolf stalked forward, waiting to strike. Even a feral shifter recognized an alpha’s power, no matter his form. This rogue wasn’t alone. Thankfully, his partner couldn’t stalk a deaf and blind deer. Its paw splashed through one of the mud puddles behind him.

Mason shifted to keep both wolves in view. He tore his shirt open, sending buttons flying.

His bare back pressed against the side of his SUV. The pair of wolves circled in front of

him. Two-on-one, they’d strike before he shifted. Still, he kicked off his shoes and let his loose pants fall.

He’d guessed right. Both wolves darted toward him. Something thumped on the top of the SUV. The wolves hesitated, and a third leapt over Mason. He didn’t need to see its light brown fur, matching Ash’s hair, to know his mate had joined him.

She hit the ground running and barreled into one of the other wolves. It was all the opening Mason needed. He dropped to the ground, muscles and bones shifting as fur burst from his skin.

The second rogue forgot him for a moment, rushing to help its partner. Mason’s jaw snapped around its back leg. He twisted his neck, tearing flesh and muscle. The rogue thrashed and finally escaped his hold, leaving a chunk of his leg muscle behind. It took a running limp, bolting down the driveway and out the open gate.

Mason ignored the escaping wolf. He turned to help Ash only to find her naked and back to human form. She jogged toward the open garage door, leaving a wolf’s corpse with a spreading puddle of blood growing from its neck.

“We’re not getting any information from my source,” she said when Mason caught up.

A man in a pair of grubby overalls and a checkered shirt lay against the side of a beat-up car. The blood splattered all over the floor and car, and the many wounds on his body told the only story they’d get from him.



The next day, Mason led Ash through the woods. It was his idea to gain a new perspective by taking a mental break from the case.

The hike was far from tenuous. He carried a large backpack over his shoulders, and they kept a slow, even pace for over an hour. Despite the challenge of the activity, Ash greatly enjoyed herself.

The clearing that was their destination boasted old, massive trees that circled a giant waterfall. Ash couldn't believe how incredibly lovely it all was.

"This is my favorite spot," Mason told her. "I come here to unwind and relax."

She looked around in wide-eyed wonder as he pulled the backpack off his shoulders and started unloading sandwiches and cold drinks from it.

"Wow ..." she breathed. "It's so beautiful."

Mason nodded in agreement, spreading a blanket on the soft grass. They sat together, and Ash couldn't help but stare at the waterfall. Its roar was loud and powerful, sending a fine spray of mist into the air. The sun glimmered on the water, adding to its ethereal beauty.

Ash felt at peace just being there. Mason handed her a sandwich, and she bit into it gratefully. It was homemade and delicious. The bread was soft and fresh tasting, the vegetables were crisp, and the cheese was melted perfectly.

They enjoyed their lunch together under the shade of an ancient tree, listening to the sounds of birds chirping and the water rushing nearby as they drank their cold beverages. Afterward, Mason suggested they go swimming, so he led Ash to a shallow pool at the base of the waterfall where they could sit comfortably without being pounded by its forceful spray.

The water was cool but refreshing against her skin after hiking through the heat. She took a deep breath before diving in, feeling its chill as she submerged herself fully.

The pool was crystal clear, and Ash watched curiously as fish swam by like little silver bullets around her feet when she started wading through the water. A warm breeze rustled through the leaves above them as birds chirped in the distance, their song hushed by the roar of the nearby waterfall.

It rumbled off in the distance like a constant drumbeat, almost soothing as it filled their ears with its rhythmic melody. When she turned, Mason was behind her, his hands reaching for her hips to draw her close before his mouth swooped down to capture hers.

The kiss was gentle at first, a soft brush of lips, and then grew more intense as their tongues met. His touch left trails of fire wherever it landed on her skin. Her heart raced like an untamed storm as she surrendered herself to this moment.

Every so often, Mason would pull away from the kiss to nip at her neck or earlobe, sending shivers down and eliciting moans. She could feel the pulse in his hand quicken against her skin as he held her closer while his free hand caressed her thigh … teasing but not touching what lay right there. His fingers movedhigher up her back before trailing down again, leaving a trace of warmth in their wake as they went.

As they pulled apart from each other, they both panted heavily. Looking into Mason's eyes, she saw nothing but desire reflected at her. His irises had darkened to near-black pools that matched her own.

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