Page 25 of Unseen Destiny

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One of his hands gripped the back of her head, his fingers tangling in her hair while the other slid under her underwear, tracing small circles on her skin until he finally found his target – her core. She gasped softly at the sensation, which caused him to smile devilishly against her lips.

"You taste so sweet," he whispered against her neck before nipping it lightly with his teeth.

Ash responded by throwing her head back, arching into his touch and hungry for more. A drop of water fell from her hair onto his bare chest, and she licked it off like a cat lapping at milk. He growled low in his throat as he slid two fingers inside her, watching her reaction closely.

She cried out softly, biting down on her lower lip as waves of pleasure washed over her body. Her walls clenched around him tightly as he continued to tease and stroke, slowly driving them both mad with need.

When they finally parted moments later, she felt dizzy but exhilarated … like nothing else mattered but this feeling coursing through her veins. He picked her up, her legs wrapped around his waist, and entered her slowly. The water worked to hold her weight as he began thrusting in and out of her.

She gasped and groaned, her head thrown back as he grabbed onto her hips and pulled her closer. His pace quickened, becoming more powerful and forceful as they both lost themselves in the moment.

The sun began to set, casting an orange and red glow over the water, painting everything in a warm hue. The waves lappedagainst the shore, creating a soft melody that mingled with their heavy breaths and moans. The scent of saltwater mixed with their sweat and desire as they moved together like two bodies meant to be one.

They were partially submerged, the water reaching their chests as they went deeper. It felt like heaven on earth as each thrust sent ripples through the water around them.

Her nails dragged down his wet back, leaving trails of pleasure-pain behind while his hands roamed freely over her ass cheeks. He slapped them lightly with every thrust, sending electric shocks through her system.

Their lips met again in a passionate kiss that left them both panting for air between each deep dive into each other's mouths. She felt him grow inside her, his cock pulsing with the rhythm of his heartbeat against her inner walls.

The coolness of the water created a contrast against their hot skin, and she sighed at each of his powerful movements. With every thrust, he let out low grunts that reverberated in the small space around them. The sound of the water splashing around them filled her ears, muffling any other noise as they both lost themselves in the moment.

His hands roamed over her back and shoulders, tracing patterns that sent quivers through her and making her arch into him. Her fingers curled into the taut muscles of his shoulders as he pumped harder, his body glistening with sweat.

She closed her eyes tightly as sensations unfolded within her, overwhelming yet addictive. The rhythm of their bodies colliding was hypnotic. She could feel herself getting closer to the edge with each passing moment. He groaned deeply against her neck, his breath hot on her skin while he nipped at it softly. Just when she thought she couldn't take anymore, he quickened his pace even more.

With a sudden surge of strength, he pulled her closer against him, kissing her fiercely before grunting against her lips and thrusting harder. She matched his pace, meeting each one of his groans with a moan of her own.

The sound reverberated around them, echoing off the boulders and trees and filling the air. It was as if they were the only two people in existence. His stubble grazed against her cheek while she held onto him for dear life. Their bodies moved together effortlessly, as if they had been doing this dance for years instead of minutes.

She bit her bottom lip to stifle cries that threatened to escape as he touched something inside her she didn't know existed, triggering a deep ache within her core.

She came hard. Every thrust caused another wave of utter pleasure to course through her. Ash screamed his name and clung to his shoulders tightly as she rode her orgasm to its completion.

"Ash … I'm close," he murmured huskily against her mouth before plunging deeper into her one last time.

With one last powerful thrust, he pushed into her, filling her, and they both cried out in unison as he emptied himself within her. His body tensed before going lax against hers for an eternity, his breathing rapidly slowing down. She held onto him tightly, feeling the warmth of his skin against hers as they gasped heavily together.

They stayed like that for some time, locked together in the water's embrace, their eyes never leaving each other's gaze. When he finally pulled out of her, she felt a small twinge of loss at the absence of his heat inside her but couldn't take her eyes off his beautiful face.

He smiled softly before pressing his lips against hers again, this time more gently. The water lapped softly around them both as they held each other close, barely noticing anything elsebut this moment of intense passion shared between them. Their hearts raced wildly against each other, each beat matching the next to create a symphony only they could hear in this intimate space.



The water sloshed around them as they made their way from the center of the pool to the bank. Ash seemed disappointed that their magical time in the lake was over, but when Mason suggested shifting into their wolf forms and going for a run, she was only too happy to oblige.

As they transformed, their skin changed. Her fur came in soft and dense, while his coat was coarse and wiry. Ash's green eyes reflected the moonlight like twinkling stars as Mason's blue eyes sparkled with mischief.

They both let out deep, resonating howls as they leapt from the water, shaking droplets from their coats. The hours passed as they frolicked and ran, enjoying the freedom that came with letting their wolves run wild in the endless woods.

The cool night air tickled their fur as they landed with a thud on the soft grass that surrounded the lake. The pair dashed through the forest, nipping at each other playfully as they chased one another through the trees. Leaves crunched under their paws, and branches snapped in protest as they bounded away from one another.

Their tails wagged excitedly behind them, tongues lolling out of their mouths in delight. The scent of decaying leaves and fresh rain filled their nostrils.

Mason darted toward a rabbit hole. He knew she wouldn't be able to resist the temptation for long, and he was right. Ash followed him to the dark burrow, eager to catch a rabbit herself. The earthy smell of damp soil filled his nose as he forced his snout deeper into the den.

The rabbit scurried past them, but they gave chase without hesitation. Their paws pounded against the ground in a syncopated rhythm as they raced after it. After a brief, whimsical run, they let the rabbit escape as they relaxed to catch their breath.
