Page 3 of Unseen Destiny

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“Have you heard of him?”

She shrugged as she scanned the briefing. “A couple of my informants have mentioned his name to me in passing. Not dealings or things like that, but they have given the impression that he isn’t one to fuck with.” Looking at his picture, she noticed they had left out how attractive he was.

“Aren’t all alphas that way?”

Ash raised a skeptical brow at her superior, not sure if that was a serious observation or not. He was too busy laughing to notice, which answered her question.

Most people who worked at the agency were shifters, but she wasn’t sure if Bruno was human or not. He was intimidating, but his scent was always masked by something that scrambled Ash’s heightened shifter senses. She always felt that Bruno Warren was also smarter than he let on, and his office façade was just so everyone would underestimate him.

“So, what’s the job exactly?” Because of Ash’s results and dedication to the team, she was one of the few, if not only employees who could get away without returning pleasantries. She was all business, and that meant money, the language Bruno spoke best.

He turned serious again and cleared his throat. “I need you to infiltrate his pack.”


She could sense Bruno’s pleased smile as she studied the details in the folder.

“I need you to slip into a role that allows you access to the pack’s files. If you could get close to Mason without giving yourself away, even better. Though, I would watch my back if I were you.”

“I can handle myself. You know that.”

“I know. But he’s brutal from the information we have received. Doesn’t matter if you’re as sexy as you are.”

Ash shot him a nasty look. Unfortunately, she was used to the sexual remarks that he made. He shot her a wink and continued. It was never serious, so she had found it was easier to just let the remarks go.

“Seriously, though. Watch your back and keep Evie informed when you can. I don’t want you in longer than you have to be on this one. The pack itself is being accused of dealings and some serious blood feuds that led to multiple threats and deaths. It’s reaching an alarming rate, more than just turf wars.”

He leaned forward, wearing a serious expression. “If this is true, he’s not abiding by the shifter by-laws that all alphas had previously agreed to when this council was first started. You’ll see the accusations and what little evidence we do have in there. The goal is to catch them red-handed and take Blackmoss down.”

“How do you expect me to gain access to the files?”

“I don’t know. That’s your part, isn’t it? I just gather intel, compile it, and pick the best agent for that operation.”

“And that’s why you get paid the big bucks,” she grumbled. “Putting yourself out there.”

Bruno gave her a warning look.

Ash’s inner wolf knew when she needed to back down, and for whatever reason, Bruno always knew just how to make her submit. It was probably why he had been in his position for as long as he had.

“Right.” She stood with her file. “I’m going to do my own digging on this.”

“See that you do.”

That night, Ash stayed up into the wee hours of the morning looking at the case notes and comparing them to rumors and anything her contacts could feed her.

“Damn, Bruno wasn’t kidding.” The blue screen glowed brightly on her face despite the late hour.

As she continued scrolling, all she kept coming across was inconclusive at best. That didn't prove his innocence as far as she was concerned. It just meant he knew how to cover his tracks.

Mason was a fairly new alpha, but he seemed to be leaving quite the impression on bordering packs. And if he was the cause of these blood feuds and the surge in crimes within his surrounding territory, she’d find out.

No matter how she turned it, Mason seemed to be just as ruthless and cruel as they came. And that was her specialty.



“Ican’t believe I have to address these ridiculous rumors,” snarled Mason. His dark features against his piercing blue eyes made him look even more brooding and dangerous when he was amped up and angry.
