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With a blushing face, she tried her best to cover herself. "Th-that's not the point."

"You have nothing to worry about. Shifters are generally comfortable with nudity, even in public. If you wandered the main rooms of the mansion during the last masquerade instead of holing up with me in the bedroom, you would have seen plenty of naked partygoers having a good time."

Fiona hurriedly dressed, acutely aware of the other partygoers milling about the shadowy garden. Rambunctious shouts and laughter echoed around her as shifters strolled past, many in varying stages of undress, with more than a few fully naked. Her cheeks flushed hot at the thought of anyone glimpsing her and Callum in a compromising position.

"You look pregnant."

"Excuse me?" She looked at him in confusion as she quickly pulled her clothing back on. "What are you doing?" She had just managed to get her underwear and bra on when he suddenly stopped her, his hand gently covering her still-flat stomach.

"Are you pregnant?" he asked bluntly.

"What?" Fiona scoffed. "Pregnant? That's absurd, first of all. And how could you possibly even know that?"

"I can sense it," Callum said seriously. "Now that we've been intimate, my wolf is attuned to you."

Fiona shook her head. "Well, your wolf must be mistaken. I'm not …" But she trailed off, struck by the sudden realization that she was late for her period.

"My wolf is never wrong."

With everything going on, it hadn't even registered. Unease flooded her as she considered the possibility. But she tried not to let it show, quickly grabbing her shirt. "I'm not pregnant," she stated firmly, even if she couldn't quite convince herself.

But she didn't feel the need to enlighten him about her missed period.

What if I am pregnant?The very notion left her reeling.

"I, uh, I need to use the bathroom," she stammered, grabbing her dress. Before Callum could respond, she was rushing away, weaving unsteadily through the raucous guests.

She kept her head down but couldn't block out the sounds assaulting her ears … risqué moans, intimate whispers, boisterous laughter. A woman screamed playfully as a man chased her, both naked as jaybirds.

Her anxiety kept climbing, and she had to get out of there.

Rounding a corner, she almost collided with Adrian, the imposing Dragon King. He steadied her with one clawed hand, peering at her as she mumbled an apology. She wondered if he could sense the turmoil within her, muttered some kind of excuse, and kept going until she finally made it outside.

Her heart was pounding as she burst out the gate and rushed to the valet stand. She was relieved when they quickly retrieved her car … thankfully, no questions were asked.

Peeling down the long driveway, all she could think about was picking up a pregnancy test. She had to know if Callum's impossible suspicion could be true. Once inside, the harsh fluorescent lights of the 24-hour pharmacy did nothing but amplify her anxiety.

Why are there so many people here at one in the morning?

She wanted to be in and out as fast as possible and hurried through the aisles, keeping her head down. But she could feel eyes on her, and when she glanced up, she noticed a man watching her intently. He was unkempt with wrinkled clothes, messy hair, and reeking of stale cigarette smoke.

When he spotted her looking, he flashed a yellowed grin. "Well, hey, there, pretty lady," he said with a raspy voice, his unwanted gaze raking down her body.

She cringed, her skin crawling at his sleazy attention. Hurriedly, she grabbed the first pregnancy test she saw and rushed to the register.

The man's eyes remained locked on her, but thankfully, he didn't follow as she rushed to the checkout. Perturbed to find three people already in line, she tapped her foot impatiently. Her phone suddenly rang, loud and shrill, causing her to jump. She fumbled to silence it, noticing Alexis's name on the caller ID screen. She sent the call to voicemail. She was in no state of mind to make small talk at the moment.

At long last, she paid and fled into the night. Safely back in her apartment, she tried to ignore the image of a baby's sparkling eyes and cute grin floating through her mind. With shaking hands, she prepared to take the test …



As Fiona rushed away, Callum took a moment to gather his turbulent thoughts. He could not shake the primal instinct that Fiona was meant to be his true mate. But now even more pressing, his inner wolf was now convinced she carried his child as a result of their passionate night a month ago.

And now, you’re going to have a pup of your very own, wise guy.

The notion left him reeling.
