Page 54 of Touch of Chaos

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About 15 minutes past and I realize being a secret agent on a stakeout is not much fun. Matter-of-fact is pretty boring because Ren and Q barely moved. They simply sit at the bar talking to each other and drinking beers.

I don’t know what I was so worried about what they would be doing here. It was a stupid idea to come. I’m about to get up from my seat and leave this place when I catch one of the women in the mini dress, making a beeline toward Ren and Q.

My whole body stiffens as I watch my nightmare come true. The beautiful black-haired woman takes a seat next to Ren,my Ren. She lifts her hand and touches his forearm, to get his attention. Ren immediately pulls his arm away from her touch but she doesn’t seem to get the message. I don’t know what she is saying but it looks like she is giggling and touching his upper arm now. Red-hot jealousy courses through my veins at the near sight of some woman touching what’s mine.

Someone moves into my view, making me get up so hastily that I bump my knees against the table. Cursing the pain away, I slide out of the booth, ready to confront the woman who is trying to seduce my boyfriend when some guy steps into my way.

“Where are you going so fast, beautiful,” the young man slurs. He looks like one of the college frat guys at MIT.

“None of your business,” I snap back, impatiently. I don’t have time for this. I try to push past him but he shifts so he is in my way again, forcing me to bump into him.

“That was rude, I was just asking you a question. No reason to be such a bitch.” He takes a step towards me, and I have nowhere else to go than to step back.

Panic bubbles inside of me as I try to look past him. He takes another threatening step towards me, his hand coming up to touch my face. I slap his arm away, which only makes him angry. He snatches my wrist and starts pulling me towards the bathrooms.

“Stop!” I yell but my voice is drowned out by the loud music and chatter in the bar. I really regret coming here. I’m just about to freak out when I see a large form coming from the side.

Before I know it the guy dragging me releases my wrist. “Hey man, we were just having a little fun–” That’s all he gets out before Tony’s fist connects to his face. The guy’s eyes roll back and he falls onto his knees.

“Are you okay?” Tony asks, patting my arm lightly.

“Um, yeah I’m fine…”

“What the fuck are you doing here?” My brother’s voice meets my ear, making me flinch. I’m in so much trouble.

Hesitantly, I turn around to face him. Quinton and Ren have made their way across the bar and are standing only a foot away from me now. Both have their arms crossed over their chest, scolding me as if I’m a misbehaving kid.

I straighten my spine and roll my shoulders back. “I was just out having a drink. I’m an adult and I brought a bodyguard,” I say as if that was a perfect excuse to be here.

“And you just happened to be at the same bar we went to?” Ren lifts his eyebrows.

“I know, what a coincidence.” I try to laugh it off but neither Ren nor Quinton are joining in with my laughter. Even Tony has turned stoic. “Okay fine, I came to check on you but only because I was worried.”

A grunt from the floor saves me from the guy’s deathly stare. Quinton looks down at the guy on the ground. “Looks like you are the only one we have to worry about. What happened here?”

“He is drunk and got a little handsy. Tony took care of it.”

“Thank you, Tony. Sorry, my sister drug you out here. Can you take care of this guy while we take her home?”

“My pleasure,” Tony replies before giving the guy on the floor his attention. “Get up, Asshole or I’ll drag you out back.”

“Let’s go,” Ren orders so roughly that for a moment I wonder if he is actually River. He grabs my hand and starts tugging me towards the door. I don’t object, I simply follow, content with the fact that he is holding my hand.

Quinton is right behind us as we make our way outside. Just before we exit the bar, I catch sight of the woman hitting on Ren earlier. Her curious eyes following us. Feeling a bit reckless, I lift my hand and give her the middle finger. Her mouth pops open in shock, and that’s the last I see of her before we’re back outside in the cool evening air.

“Very mature,” Quinton laughs behind me.

“She deserved it,” I try to justify my action.

Ren chooses to ignore the whole thing. “How did you get here?” He asks.

“Took my dad’s driver. He is parked over there.”

“Wanna ride back with us or in the boring car?” Quinton questions.

“What do you mean, ride back with you? How did you get here?”

Ren points at the two matt black motorcycles parked on the sidewalk a few feet from us. My mouth pops open. They camehere with these? “Of course I want to ride with you!” I look up at Ren with the same puppy eyes I give my dad when I want something. “Please can I ride with you.”
