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Did she need help?

Not your business.

Not your girl.


“Come on, we’re going.”

“Going?” Maggie glanced up at Jack in confusion. “Going where?”

Uncle Willy had been in the hospital for two days. Thankfully, he was doing a lot better. Jameson thought he might be able to go home tomorrow. He’d only kept him in the hospital for this long because of his age and the fact that his blood pressure had been a bit high.

She still couldn’t believe that Jameson stayed the other night with her. It had been so sweet and kind of him.

“Out for a while.”

“No. I can’t go out.” She shook her head.

“You haven’t left the hospital since your uncle was brought in,” Jack told her. “You need to get out for a while.”

“That’s not healthy, dear,” Uncle Willy said. “You need to go out. Why don’t you go home and get some sleep? You don’t look so well.”

Great. Everyone was a critic. Did she really look that bad?

“I’m fine.”

“She’s always been stubborn,” he said to Jack. “Even as a child. She needs a strong man who won’t listen to her when she’s bent on taking on everything herself.”

“I don’t do that!”

Both men shot her looks.

“I don’t!”

“She’s always done it. Always took everything on as her fault. Her responsibility. She doesn’t know how to let someone else take care of her. At first, I thought the big, grumpy one would be the best fit. He looks like he wouldn’t put up with her running herself ragged. But you . . . you might work better. She needs someone fully on her side, you know.”

“Uncle Willy! What are you trying to do to me?” she asked.

He was in matchmaker mode again and it was so embarrassing.

“I’m trying to find someone to take care of you, dear.”

“I can take care of myself.”

Again, both men just stared at her in disbelief.

“Go with your young lad, dear. I’m going to have a nap.”

Heryoung lad? As much as it amused her to hear Jack called a young lad, he wasn’theranything.

Yeah. Like you wouldn’t kill to have him as yours.

“Hux will sit in the room if you want,” Jack reassured her. “But you’re coming out for fresh air. I have a surprise for you.”

“I don’t think I like surprises.”

“You might like this one.” He gave her a sad look. “I went to a lot of trouble and you do owe me a date.”
