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Maggie cameto a stop in the doorway. At least they’d given Indie a private room, which wasn’t a given in a public hospital. It was crowded, and it smelled like bleach and anti-septic.

She hated hospitals.

But she hated Indie being in one even more.

“Baby girl,” Jack said from behind her. “Are we going in?”

She nodded, stepping in as Indie turned her head to look at her. “Hey, Maggie-May.”

“Hey, Indie-Loo.”

She saw the flash of vulnerability in her best friend’s face. But she knew if she made a fuss over her right now, she’d break.

So, instead, she brushed away her horror and pulled up some attitude.

“You know, if you wanted me to come home sooner, there are less dramatic ways to do it.”

“As if I’d want you to come home. Now, I’ll be tripping over your shoes every time I come through the door and having to listen to teeny-bopper music.”

“It is not teeny-bopper music!”

“I agree with the girl in the hospital bed,” Jack said, walking in behind her. “It’s teeny-bopper music.”

Indie stiffened as she saw Jack. Maggie had texted to warn her that she was coming home with three guys. She’d already told Indie about Jack and Ian. But she hadn’t really mentioned Jameson.

“It is not! And you were singing to it, so you know the words!” she said to him.

“I’m not sure I’d call what he was doing singing,” Ian said dryly as he entered the room, followed by Jameson.

She’d tried to talk them all into staying out of the room. But they weren’t about to let her go in alone. In the end, she’d thought maybe it was best for Indie to meet them all at once. And Jameson might be able to assess how she was doing.

“Rude,” Jack muttered. “I’m a great singer.”

“Uh, Indie. This is Jack. The frowning one is Ian. And that is Jameson. Guys, this is my best friend, Indie.”

Jack sat down on a chair by the bed and lifted the lid on a tray of food. “Gross, what is this shit?”

“I’m not sure it has an identity,” Indie said as Maggie grew close and took her hand.

Indie held on tight which was at odds with the relaxed look on her face.

“Did you eat any of it?” Jameson asked, walking over.

“No,” Indie croaked out. “It all tastes like paste.”

“How do you know what paste tastes like? Oh my God! You used to eat it at kindy, didn’t you?” Maggie shook her head at her best friend and tried to hide the fact that her heart was breaking over how bad Indie looked.

There was a huge bruise on her chin and more around her neck. She was pale and looked so fragile.

Indie studied her back. Suddenly, her eyes narrowed. Maggie had applied concealer on her face, where some bruising remained. And the pain in her ribs was much more manageable. She thought she’d be able to hide it from her.

Indie turned her furious gaze on the men. “Which one of you arseholes touched my best friend? I’m going to fucking castrate you.”

Oh fuck.

“You know how to castrate someone?” Jack asked. “It’s a good skill to have. I should teach you, baby girl.”

“Jack,” Maggie groaned, giving him an exasperated look. Then she turned to her friend. “None of these guys would ever lay a hand on me.”
