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“I’ll have to ask that no one spills blood while they’re here,” a dark voice replied.

Maggie lookedover to see Quaid Ashworth watching them. A shiver ran through her. Quaid was one of Slade’s best friends and his partner in several businesses. And he was a Dom.

He was slightly terrifying. Okay, very terrifying.

She’d never played with him. He was too intense for her.

Yeah . . . and what do you call Jameson?

“Quaid,” she said quietly.

“Maggie, I hope you have a good reason for being here. You know that Indie is a sore spot for him.”

“I also know that he abandoned his sister when she needed him the most.”

Quaid reared back. “Is that so? You better come with me.”

Ian still held her against his chest as Jack followed Quaid first.

“So, how do you get to be an owner of a kink club?” Jack asked. “Do you have to be a total sexual deviant or is it just a cash flow thing? Because I have the deviant part down.”

Good Lord.

They walked into a large office with a leather sofa against one wall and a big wooden desk straight ahead. Slade was sitting behind the desk, and Rock Holden stood to his left. She didn’t know if that was a nickname, but if it was, it suited him well. The man was built like a linebacker and showed minimal reaction to anything.

To Slade’s right was Spencer Hensley. Spencer was actually the nicest of them all. Or that’s how he came across. Indie had always warned her that looks could be deceiving.

“Maggie, I let you in,” Slade said. “I’d appreciate it if you could be brief so we could get on with our day.”

She crossed her arms over her chest. This prick. “So you don’t care at all that Indie is in hospital?”

There was a tick by his eye. Oh, he cared.

“She never stole those plans, Slade. When would she have had a chance?”

“There was camera footage of her going into our apartment. And she had the code and keys.”

“Right, because footage can’t be faked,” she scoffed. “You know what? Indie was right to tell me not to come. You’re not going to believe what I have to tell you.”

Quaid made a scoffing noise. “You’re not going to leave without telling us.”

She met his gaze before Ian stepped between them. “You’ll watch your tone with my girl.”

“So the tabloids were right when they said you’d hooked up with two men. Or is it three?” Slade asked.

“It’s three. And you’re not one to judge. Indie told me that your friends like to share.”

Slade narrowed his gaze at her.

“She’s in the hospital because Billy found the apartment I’d rented for us. I thought I had hidden her well, but it turns out . . . I didn’t.”

“It wasn’t your fault, precious girl,” Jameson told her. He stepped forward to place his hand on her shoulder. “You did the best you could. Her brother should have been helping her.”

Slade glared at Jameson. Then at her. “What do you mean she’s in hospital because Billy found her?”

“He beat her up. And not for the first time.”

Slade grew pale.
