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And she was not peeing in a potty.

Ian dressed her and Jack left. Thank goodness.

“Now, let’s check these pants. Make sure you’re all good to keep wearing them.” Ian snuck a finger down between the pants and her mound.


She kind of liked this. Which was another reason Jack had probably pushed it on her. He knew her well. And this was a sure-fire way to keep her in Little headspace.

“Come on, Little girl,” Ian said. “Time for a bottle, then you can play for a while.”

Ian cradled her to his chest while they sat in the rocking chair and fed her the bottle.

Sighing happily, she sucked on her bottle.


Jameson stepped into the house.He’d hated having to leave his girl after the morning she’d had, but he’d needed to go check on a patient this afternoon. She’d been so brave today, going back into the desert.

He knew that she was bound to be upset and needing him.

So he was shocked by the peals of laughter he heard coming from the living room.

“Come here, brat!” Jack said, chasing Maggie behind a sofa.

Jack was holding some sort of clay creation in his hand. It was a melding of bright colours that hurt his eyes. But he managed to figure out it was some sort of trophy.

“Papa! Save me!” Maggie dove at him. A whirlwind of crazy hair in a cute dress. The skirt of the dress was so short that it flew up around her ass as she ran around. And he could see that she was wearing thick training underwear.

She ducked in behind him, breathing heavily.

“Nobody is going to save you from the wrath of Daddy number one!” Jack told her.

Oh, so that’s what the trophy said. Daddy Two. Jameson had to hide a smirk.

“Come here, baby girl, and get your punishment,” Jack commanded.

“I donts want to! Maggie is a good girl. Tell him, Papa!”

“Hmm, I’m not sure. Did Maggie have a nap?” Jameson asked.

“Yes!” she cried.

“Did she have all of her bottle?”

“Yes! Well, most of it. I was full from lunch!”

“You ate three bites of your sandwich for lunch,” Ian said as he walked in, giving her a look of disapproval.

“Daddy! That’s not nice. No tattling or you’ll be put in the naughty corner.”

Jameson turned to find her waggling her finger at Ian adorably.

Fuck. Everything she did was adorable. It would be all too easy to just give in to her. To give her everything she asked for.

But that wasn’t necessarily what she needed.

Today had been hard for her. And he’d hated leaving her. But knowing that Ian and Jack were here for her had allowed him to go.
