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“Maggie? Little girl, where are you?”

She scrunched down into the bathtub, pulling the blanket around her head as she heard Ian’s voice. Ziggy was in the bathtub with her and she knew she was getting him and the blanket all dirty.

It would have been a better idea to fill the tub with water before climbing in. Then some of her might have gotten clean.

But she wasn’t exactly thinking clearly when she’d climbed in here.



Such a failure.

She wanted to pull at her hair but she could hear Ian moving through her bedroom. So she held back, trying to breathe deeply and slowly.

This was silly.

It was just dinner.

Which she’d ruined. When she was trying to do something nice for the guys. Maybe she should have just let them go out for dinner. At least they wouldn’t be starving and the kitchen wouldn’t be a disaster.

You’re such a disappointment.

A whimper escaped her before she could stop it.

“Ahh, there you are.”

No. Nope. She was invisible. And if she couldn’t see him, then he couldn’t see her.

“Little girl, can I move the blanket?”



Maggie knew she was being silly. This was hardly a reason to hide. She just didn’t want them looking at her like she was a failure.

Even though that’s all she saw when she looked in the mirror.

“Please, Little girl. I’m worried about you.”

“I made a big mess.”

“So? You should see when Jack makes pancakes. How he gets batter on the ceiling and walls, I will never know.”

Was he making that up?

“Really?” she asked.

“Yep. Really. I don’t lie.”

She let out a deep breath, then moved the blanket away from her face to peer up at him. “I’m really sorry.”

He raised his eyebrows. “For what? Running off and hiding in a bathtub? Once, one of my brothers tried to run away from home. He hid in a rubbish bin. In summer. He stunk for days.”

She let out a surprised giggle. “Yuck.”
