Page 106 of Lord of Vengeance

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“How are you doing, babe?” I asked, trying to disarm the fucker.

“Just peachy. It took you long enough to find me,” Sabrina cooed.

“You know how I am. Better late than never. It’s just going to be a few minutes, but I have something important to ask you.”

“You might as well do it now just in case.”

I grinned. The woman was good at what she did as well. “Well, it isn’t the most romantic setting but what the hell. Baby. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

Her gasp was real, her eyes lighting up. “Only if you promise to obey me like a good little boy.”

I could feel Dante’s heated gaze, trying to figure out what the hell I was doing. Taking a significant risk but Jacob knew all my moves. Every single one of them.

He continued moving her closer to the road. The asshole meant to toss her into the oncoming traffic.

“We’ll discuss that. I kinda need an answer,” I told her. “You know. We’re in a situation here.”

“Then yes, I will.” She squealed on purpose, her eyes flashing and I knew there was no better time.

As soon as she elbowed him, his hold loosening, both Dante and I fired a single shot. She tumbled toward the Charger, but Jacob wasn’t going down without a fight. As he grabbed her by her hair, she let off a horrible scream.

I pitched myself forward as he started to swing her into traffic, issuing a brutal kick to his stomach as I reached for her.

As if in slow motion, I snagged her, pulling her out of harm’s way just as Jacob’s body was pitched into oncoming traffic. I pulled her face against my chest a split second before a tractor trailer slammed into him.

The horrible sounds of metal and the brutal thud was something that excited the hell out of me. After a few seconds, there was nothing but the blasting of horns remaining. Jacob had been tossed by dozens of feet, slamming against a tree on the side of the road.

“Oh, that had to have hurt,” Dante said from beside me.

I backed her off the road completely, holding her close as the tractor trailer tried to stop, the driver managing to maintain control.

Exhaling, I closed my eyes briefly.

When I knew she was safe, I pulled her away, cupping both sides of her face. “God. I thought I’d lost you.”

“You can’t get rid of me that easily.”

I captured her mouth, immediately thrusting my tongue inside, some sense of relief rushing through me. While we weren’t finished with the blasphemous game just yet, the end was within sight.

She clung to me, her body trembling. She was without a doubt the strongest woman I knew. When I finally pulled away, both of us gasping for air, she studied my eyes. “So, did you mean what you asked me?”

“You mean about marrying me?” I couldn’t help but grin, her question reminding me she was all woman. I walked us toward my car, eager to get her home.

“Um, well, yes.”

“It’s not very romantic.”

“Who gives a shit about romance?” she cooed. “I know what I want.”

“So do I.”

“A woman after your own heart,” Dante said as he leaned against the Ferrari.

“Yes, she is. She’s the love of my life. Will you marry me, Sabrina Rose?”

“Yes. Yes, I will.”

