Page 61 of Heartless Monster

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I’m still yelling as I gain the courage to look at him for an answer. But this is Rome, he takes nothing seriously.

His arms go wide as his lips twist, trying to hide that evil smile. “Stop being so dramatic. It’s not that big of a deal.”

“Not that big of a deal?” I raise my voice to a near scream. “You showed up on my date.” I hold up one finger. “Embarrassed the guy I was with.” Another finger. “Touched me where you had no business touching me.” A third finger. “Then, you cut my first date in months short, all to what? What, Rome? Take me to dinner with our family, which we both know is total bullshit?”

I grab the sides of my head in frustration as I begin to pace, just thinking about how he made me orgasm for my first time in a public place while I was on a date with another guy.

“Not to mention…” My voice trails off because I really don’t want to even talk about that part.

“Not to mention, what?” Rome walks closer, closing that gap of safety I tried to put between us.

I hold up a finger, shaking it. “Don’t. Don’t you dare do that again. You just want me to say it because you like making me feel stupid, don’t you? You know damn well what I’m talking about.”

“Are you saying you didn’t enjoy it?” He lifts an eyebrow in challenge.

The smug expression sets something off inside me, and before I can even think, my hand flies out, smacking hard against his cheek.

Rome stumbles back in shock. He really shouldn’t be surprised. He’s the one who pushed me to this point.

I shake my hand, feeling the sting of the slap, and when Rome’s sly grin only widens, I realize the only thing I did was intrigue him. I’m beginning to think he likes when I snap back. He likes when I lose control.

Before I can blink, he’s back in my face again. His hands reach out to grab my wrists and he pins them to my sides, his nose practically touching mine. “Say it, Freckles. Tell me you enjoyed my fingers fucking your wet cunt.”

I turn my head slightly, avoiding eye contact out of fear he’ll see through my lie. “I hated it.” I emphasize the word with every drop of anger I have at myself right now because I know that’s not true.

The truth is, I loved every second of it. I’d prefer it had not been in a theater while I was on a date with someone else, but the way he made me feel was indescribable. Just thinking about it has me clenching my thighs that are still sticky with the remnants of my arousal.

“You’re lying.” Rome tips his chin up while eyeing me up and down. “Admit it felt good and we can get the hell outta here.”

I cock a brow. “For dinner with our families?”

He’s such a bullshitter. The minute he said his dad texted him, I knew he was lying. Rome doesn’t want me anywhere near Gage, and I haven’t determined if it’s because he hates Gage, like Wilder said, or if it has more to do with his possessiveness over me.

Rome tsks. “Gage is a fucking dumbass. He would have stood in that parking lot all night waiting for you to get in his car just so he could bring you somewhere and take advantage of you.”

“Gage isn’t like that,” I tell him, getting defensive of a guy I hardly know. But he was kind to me and never crossed any boundaries. The whole ride to the theater I was on cloud nine because of how charming he was. “He’s sweet and attentive.”

“You don’t know him.” I see the vein in Rome’s jaw tic as he says that. “Gage has a one-track mind when it comes to the ladies. Ask any girl in Willow Creek. Ask Abby. Hell, ask your friend Julia.”

“What do Abby and Julia have to do with any of this?”

I do remember Julia saying she hates all football players because they abuse their power, but I just thought she didn’t like jocks. I thought about texting her just to get the inside scoop on Gage but decided against it at the last minute because I’m normally a good judge of character.

“Rumor in the locker room is that Julia threw herself at him while he was dating someone else during sophomore year. He wasn’t having it and rejected her, then she got all crazy. Gage made her out to be this obsessed chick and everyone turned against her. But I didn’t buy that shit.”

“I think you’re just jealous.” I said what I said and I have no regrets. Rome has proven time and time again he doesn’t like when I get attention from other guys.

“I’m jealous?” He laughs. “I saw the look on your face Friday night at the party when Abby threw herself at me. I think you’re the one who’s jealous.”

I try to move my arms so that I can slap him again. Maybe this time some sense will pop into his head with it. “Did I show up on a date you had with another girl? No. If anyone is jealous, it’s definitely you.”

“I don’t date, Freckles. So that would be pretty hard to do.” He laughs again. “Besides, why would I be jealous of Gage Hanson? The guy’s a dweeb.”

“Gage and Julia had a thing. You and Julia had a thing?—”

“Hold the fuck up.” Rome laughs. “Me and Julia? Not a fucking chance.”

I cock an eyebrow. “You sure about that?”
