Page 72 of Heartless Monster

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I pick up my pace, following in their direction. “Hello,” I say softly. “Who’s there?”

Suddenly, they zip past the end of the row, going left. I spin around and hurry down the row, hoping to catch them at the corner.

There’s no way this is a coincidence. Someone was watching me, and now they’re fucking with me. If it’s Rome, I swear I will punch him in the throat when I catch him.

Nearly tripping over my feet, I move faster, watching as they bolt toward the exit. They are quick, I’ll give them that.

“Hey!” I shout as they push through the doors and leave. I thought that maybe if I could catch them in here with a witness, it would give them less of a reason to keep following me. My shoulders slump in defeat, my heart trying to catch up to my heavy breaths.

The librarian appears at the door, a look of concern on her face. “Is everything okay, dear?”

I curl over, pressing my hands to my knees as I calm myself down.

“Are you okay?” she asks again, now at my side.

I straighten my back and nod, still panting. “Did you see the person who ran out of here?”

She looks at the door, then back at me. “No. It’s only been you in here for the last fifteen to twenty minutes.”

My eyes are wide as I look up at her. “Are you sure?”

“Positive. Every night at a quarter to nine, I walk the entire library to let guests know we will be closing soon. Tonight there was only you.” She gestures toward the exit. “I’ll see you out and lock the door behind you.”

I gulp before saying, “Have a good night.”

Hesitantly, I follow her to the exit. She pushes the door open for me and I give her one last look in hopes that she’ll memorize my face because if someone is out there waiting for me, she could be the last person to identify me.

“Be safe out there,” she says before the door closes and the lock is engaged.

I step out into the dark of night, dread heavy on my shoulders. I stay on the top step as I dig in my bag for my phone, so I can call Brogan or my mom to come pick me up.

Just as I get it in the palm of my hand, I see someone standing across the street under the lamppost. Same black hoodie, same pants, and a black ski mask pulled over their face. Through the eyes of the mask, I’m able to see the glow of their eyes set right on me. They’re tall, probably a good five inches taller than me. Based on the build and frame, I’m certain it’s a man.

I gasp, my heart pounding against my rib cage. They’re just standing there, watching me.

I pull my hand out of my bag, fumbling with my phone as I open up the phone app and tap Mom.

My hands shake, my body shivering as it rings, and rings, and rings.

Come on, Mom. Pick up. Pick up!

The mystery man steps off the curb and into the street, coming toward me. I spin around and pound my fist on the library door. “Hello! Let me in!”

When no one comes, I turn back to face the mystery man who is now stopped right in the middle of the road.

This time, I try Brogan. But same thing, straight to voicemail.

Dammit. Where the hell is my family when I need them?

With no other choice, I text Rome, hoping like hell he actually reads my message.

Me: Please come get me! Hurry! I’m at the library in town. Someone in a ski mask is watching me! I’m scared!

I breathe a sigh of relief when he texts back immediately.

Evil Stepbrother: On my way!

With my phone still gripped tightly in my hand, I step forward on the step, the toe of my shoes teetering on the edge. Knowing it will take Rome less than five minutes to get here gives me a bit of courage. “What do you want from me?” I shout at the top of my lungs.
