Page 73 of Heartless Monster

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Then I see it, something I can’t unsee. In his hand, at his side, is a dead rabbit, dripping blood onto the road.

I jump back, my spine crushing against the handle on the library door. Clasping my hands over my mouth, I try not to scream while my limbs shake uncontrollably.

He takes two slow steps forward, leaving a trail of blood. I cast my eyes down, unable to look at that poor rabbit, or the monster who’s holding it.

I reach behind me, searching for the handle of the door, and when I’ve got it, I pull it over and over again while screaming, “Let me in! Please open the door!”

It’s no use, no one is opening this door. I expel a pent-up breath, ready to surrender as he reaches the sidewalk, just below the stairs I’m on. “Why are you doing this?” My voice trembles. “Why me?”

The roar of an engine rings in my ears and I follow the sound to see bright headlights approaching in the distance.

A vehicle comes flying down the street, showing no signs of slowing down. I don’t move as I pray it’s my stepbrother. When it comes closer, I can see that it’s Rome’s car and I release a shaky breath.

All the fear inside me dissipates knowing he’s here, once again, to rescue me.

I look at the person in front of me and watch as he tosses the dead rabbit onto the stairs before sprinting down the sidewalk.

Rome’s car whizzes right past the library, following the direction of the black-hooded guy. I jog down the stairs, sticking to the side railing to keep away from the rabbit. As I pass by it, my stomach turns when I get a whiff of the fresh blood.

I gag, slapping a hand over my mouth as bile rises in my throat. The blood on that pipe in my car must have come from this poor rabbit.

How could someone be so cruel? I’m trying to convince myself this was roadkill he picked up because if I think any differently, I might lose all hope for humanity in this town.

Aside from being cruel, this person is straight-up unhinged.

Hugging myself tightly, I step onto the sidewalk, shivering as I wait for Rome to come back. With any luck, he captured the guy and he’s beating the shit out of him right now.

A minute later, after my thoughts got the best of me and I was certain Rome was dead, his car comes creeping down the street.

Oh, now you wanna take your time and drive slow?

I shouldn’t complain. If Rome hadn’t got here when he did, I could be lying on the steps next to that poor rabbit.

Rome brings the car to a stop, right in front of the library. The passenger window comes down and he hollers, “Get in.”

Wasting no time, I hop in the car and roll the window back up. “Oh my God, Rome. I’ve never been so scared in my life.”

My knees are knocking, hands shaking. But a sense of calm washes over me when Rome rests his hand on my lap. I look down, unsure why it’s there.

When I look back up, I see his eyes on me. “You’re safe now, Freckles.”

I shouldn’t believe him, but I do. I feel safe when Rome is around.

“Please just tell me you got a look at his face.”

“I wish I could say I did.” He sighs as his hand tightens around my leg. “But he ran into the woods before I could catch him. I almost got out of the car and chased him on foot, but I doubt I would’ve got him. He had a pretty good head start.”

It doesn’t matter right now. One way or another, I’m going to find out who is doing this to me.

I peer down at his hand again, noticing the way his thumb grazes subtly over the fabric of my sweatpants. “Rome,” I say quietly before looking at him again. “Thank you for saving me…again.”

“No worries. I’ll just add it to the list of debts you’re accumulating.” The smug smile he gives me doesn’t make me angry like normal. Instead, I can see the humor dancing in his eyes.

I laugh, even though it’s not funny at all because Rome will collect.

“I believe you now,” I tell him, hating the way it feels to be so wrong. “I know it wasn’t you who slashed my tires, left the note, or stuck the pipe in my seat.”

“’Bout fucking time.” I watch as he drives with one hand, his corded muscles flexing as he takes the turn near our driveway.
