Page 74 of Heartless Monster

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“He killed a rabbit, Rome. A poor little rabbit,” I whisper as the reality of what just happened begins to settle into my bones.

“Whoever it is, is a fucking freak.” His hand grips me tighter, trying to calm my nerves and for some reason, I find comfort in it. That’s when it hits me.

Oh my God! “A rabbit,” I repeat before shouting, “stop the car!”

Rome slams his foot on the brakes, bringing the car to a screeching halt. “What is it?”

I turn to Rome, my voice too loud for the small car. “That night, last year. Winton called me ‘little rabbit’. It’s him.” Chills break out all over my body as the memory hits me full force. “I know it’s him.”

He shakes his head, so sure of what he’s about to say. “But it’s not, Freckles. I thought it was, too, after I saw the pipe in your car. Everything leads to him. But when I got the text from you tonight, I was at Big John’s having pizza and Winton was there.”

No! That can’t be. It has to be Winton. It makes perfect sense now. The pipe, the note, the rabbit.

“But…” My words trail off, because my mind is spinning as I try to figure this out. “He called me little rabbit.”

“It has to be a coincidence,” he says regretfully. “I do have news, though.” My eyes perk up, ready to hear what he has to say. “Dr. Lamont called and the results from your blood work came back.” He moves his hand from my leg and opens the glove box, retrieving an envelope before handing it to me.

I open it up, reading the results, and I gasp when I see the word “positive.” Beside it is the drug name Rohypnol.

“You were slipped a very potent date rape drug at the party. Dr. Lamont said the full effect can take up to thirty minutes to an hour. It makes sense why you were suddenly so lively, then you got sick and crashed. It also has amnesia properties. It’s odorless and flavorless.”

I hear the words he’s saying, but I can’t process them. All I can focus on is the fact that I was drugged.

“Someone slipped me a date rape drug?” Tears form in the corners of my eyes before spilling down my cheeks. “Who would do that to me?”

“Sorry, Freckles.” His hand reaches for my cheek, slowly wiping away a tear. “I know it sucks. I’m gonna find out who did this and I’m gonna make them fucking pay.”

It feels like a train is sitting on my chest. I can’t even think straight, or talk. I sink into the seat, bringing my knees to my chest as I hug my legs. “I wanna go back to Bakersfield. I want to go back to my old life.”

I wanna go home.



Three days ago, Elodie said she wants to go home—to her old life, in Bakersfield. I’ve been making it my mission to ensure that doesn’t happen. I don’t want her to leave. She still owes me.

Fuck that. It’s not about her owing me. As much as I want this to be about me making her pay, it’s not that anymore. It’s about her. She’s got me under this spell that I can’t get out of. I’ve never had a girl linger on my mind the way she does.

Even now, at practice, I can’t fucking think. I can’t concentrate because she’s in my head. Last week when I took her virginity, something shifted inside me. Emotions I’ve never felt before surfaced and they scared the hell out of me. When I looked down at her after I finished, they hit me out of left field.

I tried to say something, but it was like my brain wouldn’t connect with my mouth.

I’ve been avoiding her out of hopes these feelings will go away and she’ll get out of my damn head, but she’s always there. She’s fucking everywhere.

The weight of another body crashes into mine, taking me straight down to the ground. Once I roll onto my back, I see that it’s Gage on top of me. “What the fuck!” I snap, feeling the sharpness of the fall in my shoulder.

“Get your head in the game, Cromwell,” Coach hollers from the sidelines. “If you can’t play in the scrimmages, you don’t deserve to play in the games.”

“Yeah, Cromwell,” Gage mocks. “Get your head in the game.”

“Screw you,” I grit out, bringing my fist to his shoulder, immediately regretting it because he’s wearing fucking shoulder pads. Every. Damn. Time. I really gotta stop punching shit.

“Hey now,” Gage sings as he stands up, brushing himself off. “Don't be salty. If anyone should be pissed, it’s me. You tainted the pussy I was ready to claim.”

I grit my teeth as I stand. “If Elodie died with her legs spread open, she still wouldn't fuck you. She has taste, that's why she was in my bed after our movie date Monday. Thanks for the invite."

“You fucking asshole!”
