Page 82 of Heartless Monster

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She adjusts in her seat, trying to pretend like I didn’t just hear her stomach grumble. “Don't go out of your way for me. I’m fine.”

“Your stomach’s growling,” I deadpan, looking over at her. “You’re eating, dammit.”

She steels her back against the seat, smirking. “Yes, boss.”

I know burgers are her favorite, so I drive through The Burger Den to get her anything her heart desires. I watch from the driver’s seat as this girl inhales a double cheeseburger while I eat some fries. With my first game next Friday, I’ve been trying to stay in shape so I don’t totally blow it, but a few carbs won’t hurt.

“Where are we going?” Elodie asks with a mouthful of food when she notices I’m heading away from home.

I glance over at her and wink. “You’ll see.”



A few minutes later, I pull down the two-track dirt road and Elodie quirks a brow, her body bouncing around as we travel up the bumpy terrain to the small mountaintop. “You’re not driving me back here to have your way with me then murder me, are you?”

“It didn’t cross my mind.” I laugh. “But now that you mention it, I’m not opposed to having my way with you.” She slaps my chest playfully. “As for murdering you? Nah. I think I’d like you to stick around a while longer.”

Elodie takes the last bite of her burger then balls up the wrapper and tosses it in the bag on the floorboard.

The narrow trail lined with trees opens up to a clearing and I can’t help but steal a glance at her, curious what she’s thinking. Her eyes widen in awe as she takes in the view. “Wow. It’s beautiful back here.”

I bring the car to a stop, staring out into the abyss. “It’s been a while since I’ve been here, but I used to come almost every day.”

I grip the steering wheel, rolling my fingers around it as I think back to those early days after my mom passed. I was so lost, but this place helped me find myself again.

“Let’s get out,” I tell her as I kill the engine and reach into the back seat to grab a blanket. “The view is amazing once you get higher up.”

I swing open my door and get out to meet her at the passenger side. As soon as she steps onto the path, I notice her skepticism. Chuckling, I take her hand. “I’m not gonna murder you, Freckles.”

“I’m sure that’s what all serial killers say.” She squeezes my hand and I pull her close, wrapping my arms around her.

“You’ve got nothing to worry about with me, I promise.”

“I know,” she says softly. “But remember how I told you I’m afraid of needles and blood? Well, I’m also afraid of heights.”

I crane my neck. “Damn, girl. For someone who went to a party with a bunch of strangers and pushed the star quarterback in a pool, you sure are afraid of a lot.”

She shrugs. “We all have fears, right?”

“That we do.” I take her hand in mine again as we start to walk, my way of assuring her she’s safe. “And the only way to overcome them is to face them head-on. You got that blood draw and now we’re going to walk up this baby hill.”

“Baby hill?” She laughs. “This is a mountain.”

“Nah. It’s just a baby. The smallest one in the county.” I pull her along with me, checking on her every couple steps to make sure she’s all right.

Once we’re at the top of the mountain, I notice the tension leave her body. Her shoulders visibly relax and she takes a deep breath, eyes wide with wonder. “Wow.” She glances over at me. “This view is stunning.”

I release her hand from mine, and with a flick of the wrist, I toss the blanket in the air and let it flutter to the ground.

Dropping to the ground, I bend my legs with my hands resting on my knees as I gesture for her to join me.

“So, Rome Cromwell…” She smacks her lips, putting extra emphasis on my name as she gets comfortable on the blanket beside me, legs crossed like a pretzel. “How many girls have you brought up here?”

I look out at the sky and the now setting sun, letting the peace this place brings sink into my bones.

“Honestly? None.”

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