Page 102 of Ours

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A shiver of anticipation woke my body up as Easton picked me up, standing me on the edge of the bed, bending me over so my chest and face were resting on the bed. My body was fully on board with whatever was going to happen, especially when I felt not one but two tongues close to my pussy.

“Yes,” I pushed my hips back.

Two smacks hit both sides of my ass. Even though it hurt my body, I was all for getting punished by both of them. They licked my pussy again alternating who was licking me. I didn’t know whose tongue was whose, but they had subtle differences and when one of them sucked my clit hard and bit it, I knew that was Vincent.

“Fuck her, Easton, use that pretty pussy,” Vincent ordered, and Easton slid into me slow and torturously.

Instinctively I tried pulling my hands away, but I was at their mercy.

“Your pussy is so warm and so fucking tight, Bambi.” Easton slowly fucked me, holding me down with one arm and the other holding onto my hips.

A kiss on my inner thigh made me groan. Then a soft lick on my clit had me clenching my pussy. “You like when Daddy sucks your clit and I fuck your pussy, baby,” Easton taunted. “You want to come like this with both of us pleasuring you?”

“Y-yes,” I panted, pulling at my restraints again, feeling them bring me right to the edge of ecstasy.

“Look at your pussy swallowing his cock, Princesa,” Vincent murmured against my thigh. “I think it's time we took Easton over the edge.”

“Fuck!” Easton yelled, and I wished I could see what Vincent was doing to him.

He picked up his pace, holding onto me roughly, as Vincent came back to my clit sucking and licking until Easton shouted, sparking my own release. My body trembled from the waves, feeling Easton’s hips sputter. Vincent kissed my clit with one last and sucked before moving away from underneath me.

“Look at you, so dirty with our cum,” Vincent said, while Easton pulled out of me.

“I think it’s time we cleaned her up,” Easton said, flipping me onto my back on the bed before two mouths were on me again, licking and sucking.

We rang in the new year in bed, and they branded me with their rough sex, bruises on my hips and my heart wanting more.



The year brought sex and more sex. We spent the storm locked up in Vincent's apartment enjoying each other's bodies. When it was time to go home, I hated it. I felt like a petulant child who was told to go to bed early when I wanted to stay up.

I survived… barely, but we got back into our routine again, except I stayed over a lot more, enjoying Noemi’s amazing food and the dessert that came after it. In the middle of January, my best friend's daughter was turning one, and instead of spending my Saturday curled up against Noemi, I was entering hell.

My best friend had a tent in his backyard with heaters to accommodate all the guests looking like a wedding instead of a party for a one-year-old. But there were a lot of kids running around and the smell of a petting zoo gave it away. I don’t know why I was even here. Most of the people here I didn’t really know anymore, including my friend. We called each other best friends, but after college, we grew apart. I hadn’t even seen him in over a year.

I smiled at a few people before I found Patrick talking to his mom. I dropped off my card at the gift table making my way over so that I could say hello and start the timer of the hour I allowed myself to be here.

“Hey, man,” I said, holding out my hand to him.

“Easton, man! It's been too long!” Patrick’s face lit up when he saw me.

“How's it going?” I asked, giving him one of those one-armed hugs.

“I’m so glad you could make it,” he smiled. “Your parents are here as well. They said they hadn’t seen you in a while, when I ran into them the other day.”

What the fuck?

My heart skyrocketed as I felt the blood draining my face. I almost left right then and there.

“Great,” I said, keeping my mask in place even though I was panicking because seeing my parents this year was not on my bingo card.

“Hello, Miriam,” I said, giving Patrick’s mom a hug.

“I’m so glad you could make it, sweetheart,” she said, in her normal fake tone.

Miriam was a shark and ever since I was little, I had hated her, she was conniving and knew what she was doing. I seriously didn’t know why Vincent married her, but I know why she married him. She became a wealthy woman after she divorced Vincent, and I knew she pitted Patrick against him.
