Page 104 of Ours

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“You’re cute, Easton, I like you,” she said, putting her hands on my chest and I knew my mother was going to have a field day with this.

“Hello, Chloe,” a familiar voice said.

I turned around to see Vincent in an impeccable suit and styled to perfection. Fuck, he was so handsome.

“Vincent!” Chloe said, hugging Vincent tightly. “I was wondering if he would invite you.”

“I was just as surprised to receive an invitation a few days ago,” Vincent said. “Though I wouldn’t be surprised if it was because of something else.”

I received my invitation a month ago, but it wasn’t a surprise that they did that to him. They always dangled the possibility of family with Vincent, and he had no choice but to take what he could.

“Hello, Easton, good to see you.” He held out his hand.

“You too, Vincent,” I said, hoping my smile was neutral enough instead of looking infatuated and thinking about sucking his cock last night.

“And Sierra, lovely as ever.” He held out his hand, she placed it on his and he kissed the back of her hand.

I looked away as anger funneled through me, it was irrational but the only hands he should be kissing were Noemi’s and mine. Vincent was ours.

“How's the hotel empire?” Vincent asked Sierra as I turned back around.

“Ugh, it's there, waiting for Prince Charming to come by so I can inherit it,” Sierra said, rolling her eyes. “I hate that I have to marry to inherit my rightful place in running the business, so I’m having fun before they really crack down.”

“God forbid a woman run the empire,” Vincent laughed.

“Exactly,” Sierra said, looking at Vincent up and down.

“Gross, Sierra, this man is like my father,” Chloe snapped, her lip curled up.

Vincent and I laughed.

“Oh, please?—”


Patrick's voice interrupted the conversation.

“Can I have a word?”

“Sure,” Vincent replied, following Patrick. I had a bad feeling, but not as bad as a feeling as I got when I noticed my mother walking towards us with a determined look on her face. It looked like I was about to find out what they wanted… or expected of me.


I knew I had been invited for another reason. These past few months had taught me that Patrick built up this great relationship we had, but failed to tell me it was only on his terms. Or his mother’s.

We walked past my granddaughter, and I had to stop.

“Happy birthday, darling,” I said, giving my daughter-in-law a smile.

“Who is it? This is your grandpa,” she said in a bubbly voice.

“Mind if I hold her for a moment?” I wanted just one snuggle with this beautiful little girl.

“Of course,” she said, passing the baby to me. “Patrick said you had to work, so we didn’t know if you would be able to make it, and we missed you for Christmas.”

Anger flared through me, but Thorne put her hands on my face, and all was right in the world.

“Patrick said you were traveling for Christmas,” I said, kissing Thorne’s cheek.
