Page 116 of Ours

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I growled, hating that I couldn’t see him, hoping that Noemi was with him.

“The girl who was brought in with him is in the waiting room too,” a nurse said passing by. “She needs to go home and rest with the injuries she has.”

I muttered a thank you before I took off for the waiting room desperate to see Noemi. At first, I didn’t see her when I walked in, and then I noticed her curled up on a chair that looked like a loveseat in the corner. My stomach dropped at her face and anger replaced all my emotions.

Slowly walking to her, I took in her bruised face, with a cut on her cheek that had stitches, her hand in a cast and the bruises and cuts on her hand and arm. I clenched my jaw in anger as the need to hold her overwhelmed me.

“Noemi,” I whispered, squatting down next to her.

She didn’t stir, she was dead asleep with her arm curled under her head, but she needed to be sleeping in a bed, not in some hospital chair that was about as comfortable as the floor.

“Noemi,” I said a little louder. “Amor, wake up.”

I wanted to shake her, but I didn't know the extent of her injuries.

My throat tightened as I continued to assess her injuries, guilt settled in my abdomen. I’m a fucking idiot, I should have been here taking care of them instead of running away from my problems. Communi-fucking-cation. I should have listened to what I had preached and now I had failed them.

I sat down next to her, letting her sleep while I watched over her. The sun slowly started to fade from the room when I felt her move. Immediately moving back, I let her wake up on her own before I said anything.

“Vincent?” Her groggy voice pulled my attention to her face.

Even sitting here, looking at her injuries did not desensitize me from the rage burning underneath the surface. Her eye was bloodshot as she blinked over and over again.

“I’m here, Princesa,” I said, hoping she didn’t tell me to fuck off because at this point, she had every right to.

She looked at me, then around the room.

“Have you heard anything?” she asked, trying to get up, but wincing.

“No,” I said, getting up to help her up. “Family only, but he hasn’t woken up.”

“His parents were here,” she said, letting me help her and I took the win.

“¿Enserio? Pinches cabrones,” I said angrily.

Seriously, fucking bastards.

“Son pedazos de mierda,” she replied.

They are pieces of shit.

“His mom was crying up a storm, she deserved a fucking award.” The venom in her tone made me proud; I’d love to see the day she handed Mrs. Mercer her ass.

“How did they know about the accident? I’m sure he doesn’t have them as his emergency contacts.” I looked over at the nurse’s station noticing one of them walking towards us.

“Hi. Look, I know its family only, but I just heard you’re his fiancée,” she said looking at Noemi like she was hoping to get the hint.

“Yes, I am. They stole my ring,” she said quickly, trying to get up just as quickly, but flinching in pain.

“Slow down,” I said, helping her, feeling her stiff next to me.

“Come on,” the nurse said, walking away from us. “You can come too, since you’re helping her.”

Noemi was struggling until I picked her up as she held onto me like a koala bear.

“His brain scans look good, but we just want to wait till he wakes up so we can assess the issues more,” she said, as she led us to his room. “He has a few broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder, a few lacerations and a lot of bruising.”

“Are they worried about any lasting effect on his brain?” I asked, as we entered a room, stopping at the entrance.
