Page 117 of Ours

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“Oh, fuck,” Noemi cried.

I slowly let her down, feeling like my world was crashing around me. Noemi covered her mouth as a gut-wrenching cry left her.

This should have never happened. I should have been with them. They were mine to protect.

“Have the police been by?” I asked. My voice was hoarse.

“Yes, his father and mother talked to them, but I know they said they would be back tomorrow to see if he had woken up,” the nurse said, checking on the machines and his IV.

Noemi walked slowly to Easton, sitting on the chair that was closest to him. She grabbed his hand, leaned over on them as she cried. Her shoulders shook and my heart broke again.

“Thank you, this means the world to us,” I said, as the nurse walked past me.

“She’s been out there since she was discharged, if anyone needed to see him it was her,” she said, looking at Noemi. “Though she needs to go home and rest, her meds should be ready soon. I’m sure her ribs are hurting.”

“I’ll check on them as soon as I get her settled,” I said, walking into the room.

I knelt in front of Noemi in a submissive pose, grabbing her hand, getting ready to say the most important words I'd ever say in my life. She cried for a moment until she realized I was on my knees in front of her.

“Vincent?” she asked, confused.

“I’m sorry,” I said immediately, keeping my eyes down.

“Vincent, I?—”

“Just give me a moment please,” I said, waiting for her to interrupt. When she didn't, I continued. “I failed you as a Dom, as a lover and as a man. Instead of staying to work out our issues, I ran because I was scared. In the forty-three years I’ve been alive I thought I knew what love was, I thought I had experienced it, but I was wrong. I’ve never gone to bed excited, just to wake up with you by my side or come home to a home-cooked meal or someone packing me a meal because yesterday you heard I didn’t eat all day. People have always wanted to be with me for what I could give them, but you, Noemi, have never asked me for anything, but yet you give me so much.”

I swallowed the rising emotion I was feeling, keeping my eyes down.

“And you do so without asking for anything in return. You are everything I could have ever wanted and more. What I love most about you is how even though life has dealt you a shit hand, you still play, and you do so with a smile on your face even if you're hurting inside. I’m sorry I added to the hurt you felt. I wasn’t man enough for you to keep you safe and happy. So tonight, I kneel before you in submission. I submit to you and your love because life isn’t worth living if you don’t have ownership of me and my love. I might be a dom, but Noemi, you are the dominant love in my life, and I won’t have it any other way. I love you, Noemi.”

“Oh, Vincent,” Noemi cried, tilting my chin up. “I wish you had stayed and told me this because now?—”

I pushed a finger against her mouth, it sounded like she was about to reject me, and I was going to do everything to change her mind or reassure her. She owned me because she turned this from mine to ours.



Flashes of being hit and restrained fluttered through my dream. Each time I saw Noemi’s face running towards me, all I wanted to do was yell at her to run away. Instead, I saw her like a fierce angel becoming my protector. I couldn’t see her, but I knew she was trying to keep me safe and it wasn’t until I heard her scream that my heart went into panic mode. Each time I dreamt, it was the same thing over and over again. Noemi had saved me.

Trying to wake up was hard at first, but each time I tried, I could feel and hear more. I was in a weird limbo-like state. I was asleep, but also slightly awake. Each time I thought I was about to wake up, I fell back into darkness until I opened my eyes, and I was in a dark room.

Everything was blurry at first, until I blinked enough that I realized I was in a hospital room with a rhythmic beeping sounding in the sterile, quiet room. I tried to move my hand but realized I couldn’t. One arm was strapped in a sling and the other was trapped underneath someone.


There was enough light that I knew it was her, but her face was swollen and bruised. That’s when I realized my dream wasn’t a dream, and I really had been attacked. The memories hit me one after another.

They hit me from behind, dragging me away from the street into the alley. I heard the homophobic slurs and felt them beating me up. Then, Noemi rushed my attackers like the fierce woman she was, but the last thing I remembered was her screaming and all I wanted to do was to protect her.

I clenched my jaw as my emotions unleashed their storm on me, remembering that I wondered if they were going to kill me or why I had been the victim of their hate crime. The immense fear I had for Noemi came rushing back to me.


I tensed for a second before realizing it was Vincent and I cried as quietly as I could.

“Oh, Easton,” he said again, wrapping an arm around me. “You’re safe.”
