Page 120 of Ours

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“She’s my fucking fiancée and if you don’t?—”

I was pushed out of the room before he finished that sentence. My mind was finally waking up as I tried pulling away. My mind was telling me it was the men who attacked Easton that had come back to finish the job.

“Let me go.” I tried pulling my arm out of his grasp, but the man kept walking, depositing me in a chair in the waiting room.

Once he stepped away that's when I saw Easton’s dad and I debated walking back to the room. The big man next to him looked like he would just sit me back down and make me stay.

“Good morning, Noemi,” he said in a bored tone. “I’ll cut to the chase. You are going to leave Easton.”

That was the plan but now I didn’t know, but he didn’t have to know that.

“No,” I sneered, because it was his dad.

There was no way he was getting the satisfaction of thinking it was him who made me leave. Hell, just to be a bitch, I might just stay.

“I’ll make this easy for you. Two hundred fifty thousand right now in your account and another two hundred fifty thousand when you leave town,” he said, like what he just offered me was chump change.

How rich was Easton’s family?

“I know you’re in a massive amount of debt, and this should take care of all of it, and you would have plenty to keep you afloat in a new city,” he said looking down at his nails. “I’ll only offer this once and when I mean new city, I mean a new city in a new state.”

I laughed, “No.”

He glared at me.

“Don’t be stupid, take the fucking money and run. This gives you financial freedom and it allows you to keep your grandparent’s house,” he said, like I was the dumbest woman alive. “You could find yourself a good man, someone who isn’t going to cheat on you with a man.”

“You are fucking sick. Your son is an amazing man and instead of loving him no matter what, like a parent should, you are still belittling him because he likes men,” I said, getting angry.

“It is unnatural,” he snapped, his eyes full of fury.

“It’s people like who keep our world full of hate,” I snarled. “Instead of letting your kids flourish, you are so stuck in making them little carbon copies of you and when they aren’t, you punish them for it.”

“My children should be grateful I brought them into this world. I raised them, paying for everything they needed, and this is how they repay me?” he retorted.

“You brought them into this world, but they don't owe you shit,” I said, getting more angry. “They didn’t ask to be born and just because you choose to have kids doesn’t mean you get to take their right to live.”

“Take the money, Noemi, or I can assure you that I will make your life as difficult as possible until you learn your place.” He stepped forward as I stood up.

“Is that a fucking threat?”

“I always get what I want even if I have to do things that aren’t exactly legal, people do what I want because I know what’s best, even if it's a hard decision,” he growled.

A shiver went down my spine at what he was insinuating.

“I have done it, and I will keep doing it until I get what I want. Do you understand?” he growled.

“Can I say goodbye or make up an excuse as to why I’m leaving?” I asked, trying to think of anything to get me back in that room.

“Half now and half when you leave. Don’t make me regret letting you say goodbye,” he said, stepping away so I could pass by him.

I had plans to leave anyway, maybe this was my sign to stick with my decision. I could get away and be able to pay my debt, start over. I had already planned to go to my sister’s and I could figure out something there, but at soon as I walked into the room, I knew I was fucked. I couldn’t leave them, my plan was thwarted the moment they called me theirs.

“You better go get her, or I swear I will do everything to fuck up my father’s campaign,” he snarled, looking pale as he tried to get out of bed but his mother was right in front of him.

“Easton,” I said, rushing to him to make sure he stayed on the bed. “I’m here, don't get out of bed.”

“What is she still doing here?” His mother sneered at me. “You need to leave instead of filling my son with all the bullshit you’ve been promising him. Marrying him? Let me guess, you suggested it?”
