Page 119 of Ours

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I was as good as they had hoped for, and other than my dislocated shoulder and cracked rib, I was completely fine. They finally rolled me back into the room close to the early morning to an exhausted looking Vincent and Noemi. They looked dead on their feet, especially Noemi. When she looked at me, the guilt crept in that I wasn’t able to keep her safe and that I may have fucked up our chances of being together.

Once the nurse and doctor left, we sat in silence until Noemi broke down crying in a blubbering mess. She said that she was sorry and who knows what else because she was crying so hard that I couldn’t understand most of what she said.

Even though my entire body hurt, I pulled her up on the bed with me, with Vincent’s help. She held onto me tightly even though I heard her sharp intake of breath, and if I was hurting on meds, I knew she had to be suffering without any.

“You have nothing to be sorry for, Noemi,” I said, running my hand through her hair. “If I was a better man, we wouldn’t have even been out that day. We could have been together safe and sound,” I said, taking a deep breath getting ready to give my heart to her.

Noemi pulled away. She started to speak, but I shook my head.

“I know why you slept with me, you were angry at your ex, and you thought this would help you. It might have started out with your anger, but I know where we are now is very different. I don’t deserve you and I don't know if I will ever be able to thank you for coming for me even though you should have stayed away. You aren’t like anyone I have ever known. I know not that many people would have tried to interfere because so many people are selfish but you, Noemi, always think of others even if it means putting yourself last. So, even though it won’t be easy, and it would probably be easier if we just went our separate ways, it doesn’t mean I won’t spend the rest of my life trying to make you believe that we are meant to be, Noemi.” I clenched my jaw hoping I could hold off crying. “You and Vincent have always made me feel like my sexuality doesn’t define me, that you can love me just the way I am. I’m so fucking sorry I didn’t realize this sooner, but no matter what happens, whether you fight for us or tell me this is too hard, you will always be fucking ours, Noemi.”

I didn't know if it was just me who was crying but we held on to each other until she pulled away. Just seeing her face lit an anger in me that made me worry because I was ready to commit murder for what they had done to her.

She looked unsure, like she was willing to give up and if that was what she wanted then I would step away, but I wouldn’t make it easy.

“Think about it, Noemi. You don’t have to make a decision now, I just want you to know where we stand, and that is with you, through everything. We fucked up and I can’t say it won’t happen again, but please just think about it.” I cupped her face. “I love you, Bambi.”

Her lip trembled.

“Is she really your sister and niece?”

“Yes, I swear,” I said immediately, almost forgetting she saw us together.

“They live with me; my parents kicked her out when she was pregnant, and it's just been us for the last five years.”

She nodded her big brown eyes looking at me with hurt. She thought I was just like her ex, and I hated that.


“Think about it,” I said, hoping if she just slept on it, we could take more time and go in the right direction. “Take your time.”

“We love you, Princesa, and we can wait till you’re ready, but make no mistake, Amor, that you are ours,” Vincent said. “You need sleep so either do it here, or I’m taking you home.”

“He’s right, Em,” I said, scooting over. “Sleep with me.”

“I’m just going to say this,” she said, making me nervous. “You both preached communication, but when the going got tough, you left me high and dry. I won’t be in a one-sided relationship, I deserve more, and I won’t be that girl ever again.”

She curled up on her side next to me. It felt like a slap in the face, but she was right and wrong. This wasn’t one-sided. Noemi was everything and I’d make sure she knew that.



Iwish I had fallen asleep immediately, but I was too hyper aware of what Easton and Vincent had just proclaimed. As much as I wanted to forgive them and tell them everything was ok, it wasn’t. They told me to think about it and I did as much as I could, but my heart already felt like it had made her decision. I had been used and left by Patrick and I didn’t know if I could survive that again.

I couldn’t be theirs and they couldn’t be mine. But dammit they felt like they were mine and my heart sat heavy as my heart and mind argued why I should stay or I should go.

I spent most of the morning in limbo, in and out of sleeping. The nurse came in a few times, and I just waited for the moment they were going to kick me off the bed, but Vincent and Easton were able to sweet talk their way into them letting me stay.

After sleeping for what felt like a second, I was yanked out of bed, yelling from the immense amount of pain jolting through my body.

“She is not allowed in here, who let her in?” someone said, as they tried to drag me out of the room.

My head spun as I tried to get my footing, working through the pain.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Easton growled.

I tried pulling away from the man who had grabbed my wrist that wasn’t in a cast.
