Page 122 of Ours

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“I knew it!” His mother yelled. “Easton, how can you let this man?—”

“Silence!” Vincent barked, turning around. “Would you shut up for a second and listen to yourself?”

Mr. and Mrs. Mercer looked like they were going to blow a gasket.

“This is how this is going to go. You are leaving right now, and never returning to the hospital. You do not look at Easton or attempt to contact him. You keep his name out of your fucking mouth because if I hear even a murmur about him from you, I will come after you both.”

Mr. Mercer's eyes drifted to me and then Easton.

“She’s included too.” Vincent barked.

“They took her out of the room while I was sleeping.” Easton said.

“He tried to bribe me to stay away. Half a million dollars,” I said, walking until my back was pressed up against Easton’s shoulder.

Easton stilled against me until I felt his forehead rest against my back. My heart broke for him, and I hated that his parents were like this.

“She’s lying, I would never do such a thing,” Mr. Mercer said, narrowing his eyes at me.

“He said, ‘Take the money, Noemi, or I can assure you that I will make your life as difficult as possible until you learn your place.’” I repeated his earlier threat.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Easton snarled.

“That sounds like a fucking threat and since you threatened both of the people I love, I’ll return the favor. You so much as breath in their direction or fucking look at them, I will liquidate whatever I need to, to buy out every piece of company and stock you own and sell them for pennies on the dollar. Once I am done selling everything you own. I will contact every senator, house representative, or anyone who holds an office in the state of Colorado and campaign against you. And if I fucking find out that you were behind these attacks…”

He took a deep breath, like he was calming himself down.

“No one will save you from me.” His eyes narrowed to slits. "And no matter where you fucking go, I will find you, and I will be the instrument of your destruction. I will make sure to remind you of what you did to your son and everything that happened today.” Vincent was menacing, and as inappropriate as it was, I was so turned on. “You will learn your place, sir. Do I make myself fucking clear? And if I hear you are fucking with my business again, just remember, they will never find your body. Now get the fuck out of here before I call my friend, the chief of police, and I tell him about the little slip-up your wife just said, Mr. Mercer.”

“How dare you?—”

“Claudia, shut up,” Mr. Mercer snapped. “You can thank your son for that piece of information he gave us about that business.”

“I expect a smooth transition of Easton’s money when he is married and also a fucking congratulations with a gift.” Vincent turned his back on them as they stood there looking at us.

“Don't bother contacting your daughter or granddaughter either and her money better not encounter any trouble either,” Easton added.

“Out, now!” Vincent barked, making me jump.

Mr. Mercer glared at us then focused on me. A shiver coursed through me like he was reminding me of my threat.

“Don’t you dare intimidate her,” Vincent growled, pulling me against him as Easton put his hand on my back. “She might be owed that half a million for your fucking mistake in thinking you could use her against Easton.”

The nurse came back into the room with a security guard.

“We were just leaving,” Mr. Mercer said, dragging his wife out as the man they came with followed them out. As soon as they left, I could feel the exhaustion hit me. I looked back at Easton, pulling us all together as the weight of that interaction finally hit me.

“We shouldn’t be worried, right?”

I know Vincent just made some blatant threats, but I was still uneasy about this entire encounter.

“No, Princesa. I’d died before they fucking did anything to you,” Vincent replied tilting my face up to his. “I’ll keep us safe, always.”

He kissed me softly before doing the same to Easton. When we pulled away, Easton looked at me embarrassed.

“Nothing is going to happen, Noemi. My father might talk a big game, but I think he knows that he isn’t a match for Vincent.” He pulled me close, resting our foreheads together, breathing each other in. “Nothing will happen to you or us.”

Feeling some tension leave my body, I grew tired, ready to take some pain meds and go to sleep. We still had a lot to talk about, but they were right. I could deny it all I wanted, my mind could protest, but my heart told me I was full of shit. They were mine and I was theirs, and this love was ours.
