Page 123 of Ours

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All these horrible thoughts ran through my head as we ate breakfast together. I could probably make his parents disappear and make it look like an accident, but I don’t think Easton would appreciate that. Buying their pharmaceutical company and selling everything sounded like the most doable except I would probably need to run it by Easton first.

The doctor came into the room to check up on him. I hated that he looked defeated and not like himself, that his parents had burdened him with their bullshit instead of accepting him for who he was.

“Can I go home today?” Easton asked.

“Your scans look good. I’d like to keep you for a few more hours to make sure we don't have any nausea or any severe headaches. If we don’t have any issues, I’ll discharge you this afternoon,” he said, smiling at us. “Do you have pain, are you uncomfortable?”

“No, I just really want to go home,” he yawned, which led Noemi to yawn as well.

“I understand. As soon as I feel comfortable releasing you, I’ll let you know.” He smiled before leaving the room and then a few police officers entered.

They took Easton and Noemi’s stories, asked what was stolen, and if they recognized either of the men. After they gave their accounts, I was ready to hurt someone. I knew it was bad, but hearing it from them made me even more murderous. If the police didn’t find them, I was willing to throw all my money to find them myself and make them disappear if I needed to. Is this what love did to someone? Make you commit murder? Possibly go to jail for it?

After the police left, they both looked drained.

“Noemi, we should get you home,” I suggested, but she shook her head.

“I don’t want to leave,” she said, looking even more tired after she took her pain medicine.

“Em, you're in scrubs, you look exhausted and sleeping in a chair isn’t helping your ribs,” Easton said.

Noemi looked away from us, the tension in her shoulders looked like a burden I knew she was trying to carry on her own.

“I can’t do this,” she whispered, as a tear fell down her face.

My heart sank. She was giving up on us.

“I can’t be the woman who is giving her all, and I’m the only reason the relationship is working,” she sniffled. “I’ve slowly fallen in love with you both because I didn't know what I deserved, until you showed me what I had been missing. Thank you for always treating me with respect, listening to me and letting me fight my own battles, but also stepping in when I needed it.”

She wiped her face roughly, flinching at the pain.

“You ran away at the first issue we had, and while I understand it was a big problem, for six days you ignored me. You made me feel like I wasn’t even worth a simple text that said I’m still mad or I need more time. You preached communication, but couldn’t even give me that, when we so desperately needed to talk.”

She stayed quiet, looking away from us. I glanced at Easton who had his brows down with a frown on his face. When I opened my mouth to apologize, she spoke first.

“I love you and I’m so fucking scared of loving someone else again that I literally want to walk away because I don’t know if I’d survive another heartache.” She turned to us. “But I can’t. The past few days have shown me living without you isn’t an option and, so help me god, if you pull that shit on me again, I will tie you up and leave you unsatisfied for a week while I bring you to the edge over and over again.”

I couldn't help but laugh, getting up and walking to kneel in front of her.

“I would gladly live with that punishment if I ever do anything that stupid. I’m so sorry, again. I fucking love you, Amor. On my knees, in our bed, on vacation, anywhere and everywhere, I will fucking love you,” I said, as she leaned down to kiss me.

The sound of movement made me pull away when I noticed Easton trying to kneel by me.

“Easton, no,” Noemi scolded, as I reached out for him, to help him since he only had one arm to steady himself.

“Let me,” he growled, but took my hand kneeling in front of me.

“Easton,” Noemi said.

“No, the sooner you let me say this the sooner I can get back on that bed,” he said breathlessly. “I’m so sorry. As soon as I heard you knew who I was, I lost it. Everything felt fake because you only sought me out because of who I was friends with instead of liking me for who I was. Old insecurities got the best of me, and I did what I did best, run away. But no matter how much I stayed away, you stayed on my mind, every single day. Both of you did.”

He looked up, his lashes blinking quickly until one tear escaped.

“That night that you said you would marry me so I could get my money, I wanted to say yes immediately, but I didn’t. A year seemed like too little time to be with you, falling in love with you more and more. At the end of the year, if you wanted to part ways, I knew I wouldn’t survive if you left because I love you, Noemi. I think I've loved you since that first night we were together. I can’t guarantee my old shit won't come back and haunt me, but I know I love you and I love Vincent, so I want to try and make this work. I want to come home with a “yes, sir” on your lips and hearing you call him daddy, but I really want to come home to a life where I feel safe and wanted. I want to be yours for as long as you’ll have me.”
