Page 127 of Ours

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“Oh, we will go somewhere really nice, maybe Tahiti,” Vincent said. “Or maybe lake Como in Italy.”

“Hell yeah, that’s what I’m talking about,” she smiled.

“Ok, go find a dress and I’ll let you know where and what time tomorrow.” I kissed her nose. “We will be the ones wearing suits.”

Noemi laughed as she kissed me one more time.

“I’ll see you at the altar or whatever the hell we stand at,” she grinned, before kissing Vincent.

Money definitely made things easier. I’d hate to say I missed having money, but Vincent and I planned a wedding in less than twenty-four hours. Lincoln closed down one of his restaurants, letting us change the rooftop to a small intimate wedding setting. We invited her family, my sister, Vincent's son, Lincoln and his family.

Let’s be real, if we didn’t have Lola pulling a lot of strings for us and basically telling us what to do, it would have been a disaster. It was her decision to have a wedding at sunset and then head into the restaurant for our reception. I have to say, even though it was cold, it was absolutely breathtaking.

I don’t know how she managed to get so many flowers and a simple arch. Lincoln and Gabriel weren’t too happy with us, but she begged us to let her help and if she wasn't a hairstylist, I'd say her calling was wedding planning. Right now, we were all waiting for Noemi, who was on her way.

Her sisters, their spouses, and their kids were here. Vincent put them up at the hotel by us with a big suite for both families. They couldn't believe that their sister was finally getting married. They said they knew we were all together and exchanged money for all the bets they placed on when they found out about us. My sister was chatting with her sisters and my niece was having fun with their kids.

Charlene’s boyfriend was chatting away with Rosa’s husband and Genevieve was off to the side glaring at her phone, typing aggressively. It seemed she was in over her head with her new subs and she brushed me off, when I asked how everything was going after that scowl never left her face but I saw the fondness in her eyes. Whatever problems they were having I really hoped they worked out. Genevieve deserved to find love like the rest of us. Seeing everyone here for us gave me a sense of having a real family, for once.

“I take it Patrick isn’t coming?” I asked, knowing the answer, but I wanted to make sure he was ok.

“He never answered my call, but I did talk to his wife. She said she would talk to him, but I’m not holding my breath,” he said with a neutral expression. “I can’t force a relationship with him, but I hate that my granddaughters are stuck in the middle. I’m also furious that he would give your parents information about my business. I want to cut him off and never see him again but how do I do that and keep a relationship with my granddaughters?”

“I’m sorry,” I said, grabbing his hand. “He doesn’t deserve you. I just hope they let you see your granddaughters.”

“I wish I knew, but if I know my son, he will come back asking for money soon enough.” His nostrils flared. “And this time I’m not going to do it, not after what he put Noemi through. Not after he tried to ruin my business.”

“Well, let’s hope when the girls get older they can make their own decisions to see you and we will keep trying to make sure they know you have been attempting to be in their lives,” I said, knowing I would do whatever I could, so his relationship didn’t suffer with them. “He can’t keep them away from you forever.”

Patrick needed to get over himself and stop treating Vincent like a bank. I knew it couldn’t have been easy seeing all of us together, but they had problems long before this happened and what he did to Noemi was fucking bullshit. If we didn’t have to worry about his granddaughters, I would have advocated no contact with Patrick.

“I’ve tried to put time and effort into our relationship way before this and it was never enough. I've apologized over and over again,” he said, frustrated. “If he can’t even be an adult and speak with me, then I can’t fix our relationship alone. I don’t even know if I want to fix our relationship.”

“She’s on her way up,” Lola said, getting everyone to sit down.

“Nena, how about you sit down?” Gabriel tried getting her to sit now that she was really showing.

“Gabriel, you tell me to sit one more time and you can sleep in the spare room tonight with Lincoln,” she snapped at him.

I laughed, seeing her hand his ass to him, receiving a glare from him as he followed Lola.

Vincent and I stood on either side of the arch as we all waited for Noemi to come up the stairs. Soft music started to play when she opened the door and she stopped when she saw what we had done. Noemi looked away, biting her lip before she walked towards the small aisle as Lola handed her a bouquet.

Noemi was stunning in a long-sleeved white dress with a deep V that showed a little cleavage and slit that went up her thigh. She walked to us, but looked at everyone on either side of the aisle with smiles until her sisters hugged her before she made it to us.

“How the hell did you pull this off?” She was in awe.

“With help from a pregnant woman who made everyone scared not to do what she asked,” I joked, and we laughed. “It also helps that he is loaded, and money can do a lot of things in a short amount of time.”

“Wow, I can’t believe you did all of this for me,” she sniffled.

“This is just the beginning, mi Amor,” Vincent said, grabbing her hand and kissing it. Vincent addressed the audience, “Now we know this isn’t a conventional union, and by the state of Colorado, only two of us can get married, but today, we wanted you here so you could see our commitment to each other. Today we stand before you as three people in love, three pieces of a puzzle that happen to fit perfectly with each other and three hearts beating as one. I, Vincent Barros, vow to love you in the best of times and the worst of times. I vow that even when we have a hard time, I will always tell you I love you and no matter what, I will always talk about everything even if I think it is too small to matter. I love you, Easton Mercer and Noemi Guzman.”

Noemi sniffled again before opening her piece of paper.

“I used to live life thinking I was supposed to follow a certain path, but when I met you both, I realized that I didn’t need to follow, but I needed to lead. I promise to lead you through the good times and lead you past the bad times, in health and in sickness. I promise that no problem is too small for us to talk about or too big to tackle. I love you, Vincent and Easton, until my last breath.”

It was my turn to wipe my eyes.
