Page 40 of Ours

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The front door slammed shut and footsteps ran down the hall.

“You’re home!” My niece opened the door running towards me.

I caught her in my arms, squeezing her tightly.

“Hi, munchkin.” I kissed her head.

“Mom’s cooking dinner, you want to watch a movie with us afterwards?” She looked at me with our matching gray eyes and really blond hair.

“I’m sorry, I have a date tonight.” I said, not knowing what to call it so that a five-year-old would understand.

“Mom! He has a date!” she yelled, running out of my office.

Maybe I should have said something different because now my sister was going to hound me about this date. Closing my laptop, I walked to the kitchen to see my sister getting things out of bags.

We had all been living together since she was kicked out by my parents and I have loved being close to them but there wasn’t much privacy. Now that my niece was older she was asking more and more questions that I found harder to answer.

“A date, Easton?” Charlene looked positively giddy.

“It’s just a first date, nothing to get excited about,” I said, helping her put things away.

“What’s their name?” I loved my sister and how she never assumed things and always made me safe with my sexuality around her.

“Her name is Noemi,” I said, figuring a little bit of the truth didn’t hurt.

“I love that name,” she said, taking out a cutting board. “I know you aren’t going to share much, but just give me one thing.”

I took a deep breath not knowing what to give up. It wasn’t like I could tell her I popped her kink cherry or that I spanked her ass red and fucked her into a mind-blowing orgasm.

“She works for a catering company and I met her through a friend who played matchmaker. She’s gorgeous.” I tried to keep close to the truth, so I didn’t catch myself in a lie.

My sister's eyes lit up. “I’m so happy for you. I hope it goes well.”

“I hope it does too,” I said, putting the last of the food away. “I’m sorry I’m going to miss dinner.”

“Ah, don't worry about it. Maybe we can stay up to see how your date went.” She wiggled her eyebrows at me. “I can have a bottle ready to open when you get back.”

“Don’t wait up. I think I’m going to stay at Genevieve’s,” I said, giving her a side hug, seeing my niece on the floor watching TV in the living room. “I don’t want to drink and drive.”

“Ooooh or you might hit it off so well you talk all night and wake up to have breakfast together.” She looked so hopeful.

“You’re too optimistic, but I will hope for that too.”

“Don’t overthink it, just go with the flow. Love always catches us by surprise,” she said softly. “You deserve love just like the rest of us.”

I kissed her forehead clenching my jaw from the rising emotion before I went to my room to get ready. This was just sex, love wasn’t in the cards for me. I took a shower opting for slacks, a button-down and vest. I threw on my coat, and kissed the girls before I left. The drive to Denver was uneventful, but the closer I got to Vincent's home the more nervous I became.

Not wanting to show up empty-handed, I stopped at a liquor store to buy a bottle of scotch. I was more of a brandy guy, but the scotch Vincent gave me last time we were together was amazing. Of course, it was a three-hundred-dollar bottle and there was no way I was going to spend that kind of money on just something to drink. I picked up a bottle of champagne that only set me back seventy-five.

Parking was a nightmare. I had to walk two blocks to his apartment. When I entered the front, Noemi was at the desk talking to the concierge.

“Yes, Vincent Barros,” she said, tucking her hair behind her ear.

I walked up right behind her.

“I’m also here for Mr. Barros,” I said, seeing Noemi peeking over her shoulder.

“Yes, Noemi and Easton, please follow me,” he said, walking towards the elevator.
