Page 41 of Ours

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I followed Noemi, wondering if it was going to be awkward for us and that maybe I should just tell her the truth.

The man opened an elevator, swiping his card and hitting PH.

“Have a great evening,” he said holding the door while we got in.

“Thank you,” we said together.

The doors closed and the tension we had between us was stifling.

“I’m sorry about yesterday,” I said, looking over at her.

She was gorgeous in all-black attire accentuated with red lips.

“Ok,” she said with hesitancy.

“I got jealous,” I said, looking at the door. “I didn’t mean to go caveman on you.”

“You didn’t have to stake your claim, you could have called.” She shrugged. “I would have gladly spent another night with you.”

“John likes new girls and I didn’t want you to fall in his trap,” I said. “I should have called because I haven’t stopped thinking about you.”

“Honestly, it was a little hot that you got jealous, you always seemed so composed,” she said with a smirk.

“I’m not used to jealousy, Em,” I said, giving her another nickname that just felt right, feeling our tension changing into a charged needy energy.

“It keeps you humble,” she said blushing, stepping towards me.

The doors opened and I felt better going into the contract. I needed this.

“Come on then, let’s eat and see what Vincent wants to talk about,” I said, holding her hand walking through the foyer.

I knew Vincent's home was going to be gorgeous, but I didn’t expect the traditional decor. It was warm and inviting, much like Vincent was.

“It’s gorgeous, huh?” Noemi smirked as she pulled me the rest of the way in.

There was a table set up by the window with a few candles on it. Vincent was standing by it, looking out the huge windows that gave the perfect view of the sunset.

“Damn,” I said, admiring the view and Vincent.

He was in slacks and a button-down that left the top buttons opened.


“The view or that ass?” Noemi was staring at his ass.

“Definitely that ass,” I murmured.

Noemi giggled, getting Vincent's attention.

“That giggle sounds like mischief is about to happen,” Vincent smirked, coming closer to us.

“Just getting Easton to loosen up,” she said, walking up to the window. “I brought flan; I didn’t want to come empty-handed.”

She lifted a thermal bag I didn’t realize she had been holding.

“Where did you get it from?” Vincent looked a little surprised.

“I made it.” Her cheeks flushed.
