Page 53 of Ours

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“Come for daddy, Princesa,” Vincent growled, as she started to tighten around me.

“Easton!” Her body convulsed as I fucked her through her orgasm until she was so tight around my cock I erupted in her, hearing Vincent going over the edge too. I fucked her in short strokes until my orgasm subsided, making me feel like I might fall over. Noemi leaned forward, letting me untie her hands.

“Be prepared for next weekend,” Vincent snapped, bringing the phone to his face.

“Oh, you loved it,” Noemi replied, with a cheeky grin.

He chuckled, “I might have, but don’t forget who controls your pleasure, Noemi.”

We shivered from his dominant voice when Noemi’s arms were finally untied, and I rubbed them hoping they didn’t hurt.

“You have a good night, and I’ll see you soon,” Vincent said.

“Goodnight, Daddy,” Noemi said, before he hung up and I saw a small smile form on his face.

I slipped out of Noemi, unbuckling the collar, slipping it off before I took the condom off, tying it and throwing it away. She stretched out her legs and arms, stiff from being in the same position for too long. Grabbing a bottle of water, I made my way back to the bed.

“How are you feeling?” I asked, opening the water bottle and offering it to her.

“Good, my body feels like Jell-o,” she said with a content expression, looking up at me, like she didn’t want to move.

“Come on, you need some water. I’ll go draw you a bath,” I said, grabbing her hand, helping her up, before handing her a water bottle.

“You did well, Bambi,” I said, kissing her nose before I left the room to get a bath ready for her.

I grabbed the kit I had prepared, just in case we did any scenes here, to make sure I was ready for her aftercare. Grabbing a soothing bath bomb, I dumped it in the water, letting it disintegrate while I grabbed a towel and put it in the towel warmer.

Walking back into the room, Noemi was leaning against the headboard drinking from her water bottle. She looked lost in thought, gazing out the window, giving me a chance to admire her beauty. I had never been one to be so sentimental, but looking at Noemi gave me hope that maybe life wasn’t just about trying to survive. Small moments like this existed to keep me from drowning in the endless monotony of life. Even though we had just met, these past few weeks I had looked forward to tomorrow. This was something I had never done before except for a few rare times. I wasn’t just coasting through life anymore; I was living it.

“You ready for a bath, Bambi?” I stood at the edge of the bed.

She nodded, looking unsure, as she moved to get out of the bed. I didn’t let her get very far, scooping her up in my arms. I expected her to tell me to put her down, but she laid her head against my shoulder.

The bath was almost full when we walked into the bathroom. I got her settled in, but her demeanor was making me nervous as I turned off the water. Was she experiencing a sub-drop?

“Are you ok, Noemi?” I scooped water into my hand pouring it over her back, worried she was falling into a bad sub-space. “I need you to talk to me, Em.”

She shook her head, shivering before looking at me. “I’m sorry.”

“There is nothing for you to apologize for, how are you feeling?”

“A little shaky, but content and it’s been way too long since I've felt this… ok,” she said, looking up at me as she blushed. “I can’t remember the last time I had someone take care of me like this, and each time you guys do it makes me wonder why I settled.”

“You settled?” I asked, not understanding.

“My ex wasn’t a good man, but didn’t realize it at the time,” she said with a sad smile. “‘If he had wanted to, he would.’ I never understood that saying until now.”

I didn’t know who this asshole was. Just hearing about him made me want to ask what his name was so I could look him up and see what kind of shit stain he was.

“I’m sorry, Em, you deserve a man who will treat you with respect,” I said, not thinking about what I was doing while getting in the tub with her.

I hated baths, but she needed comfort, and I wasn’t going to let her douchebag of an ex ruin what we had going on. I brought her to my chest, feeling her tense body lay against mine, which made me even angrier. She was still shaking while I rubbed her arms up and down.

“I do deserve a man who will treat me with respect, but sometimes I wonder if I even want one,” she said, exhaling a long breath. “I’m sorry, I don’t know why I said all that.” She laughed nervously.

“Sometimes when we do scenes or have intense sexual experiences, coming off the adrenaline is hard. Our bodies are coming down from a high, but our mind is also trying to make sense of everything,” I said, rubbing her shoulders. “We call it a sub-drop. Some people are more prone to it, but I also think it's your state of mind.”

“Have you experienced it before?”
