Page 54 of Ours

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“Yeah, I’ve had some really intense sub-drops, that required a lot of aftercare. I’ve also had some where unfortunately I was left alone, which made things worse. That’s why Vincent and I try to comfort you as much as we can afterwards.”

She nodded, but didn’t say anything.

“Are you ok? What do you need, Noemi?”

“Nothing, this feels good,” she sighed, as I felt the last of her tension leave. “I’m?—”

“Don’t say you're sorry,” I said quickly. “You did nothing wrong; this is a normal response to what we did, and I should have been more proactive in giving you aftercare.”

She sat up, turning around. “Thank you,” she said, looking shy.

“There is no need to thank me,” I said, pulling her in for a kiss.

It quickly escalated into a hungry demanding kiss and her on my lap with my cock hard and her rolling her hips against me. I don’t know how she did it, but Noemi made me lose my sense of my surroundings and time. She always kept me in the present, showing me that life wasn’t always about moving forward, but enjoying what was happening right now.



The room was way too bright as I opened my eyes, closing them instantly. I groaned wishing this damn room had black out curtains, but it beat waking up in the crappy bed I had. Rolling over, I reached for Easton, feeling the bed empty and lacking heat. The few times we had stayed the night together, he had woken up either with me or later than me.

Sitting up, I stretched my arms over my head feeling a slight twinge in my shoulder from being restrained last night. Just thinking about everything we did last night made my stomach clench with the need for a repeat. Having sex in front of Vincent was erotic and hearing Easton calling him daddy was surprisingly hot too.

Then my stomach soured at remembering how weird I felt afterwards. Easton said it was a sub drop, but I knew I was in a weird headspace when I willingly talked about my ex. My body grew flush with embarrassment, just thinking about our time in the tub.

“Good morning, Bambi.” Easton padded into the room with a cup of coffee and a plate.

“Good morning,” I said, admiring him in low hung sweats, so different from his put together ensembles he usually wore. I think I liked him more relaxed than dressed to the nines.

“You want to talk about it?” He handed me a cup of coffee kissing my forehead and set down a muffin.

I smiled seeing the pastry, thinking he remembered that I always like to have something sweet with my coffee, but I still felt weird about last night.

“Do we have to?” I took a sip of my coffee humming when it was actually good.

“I put chocolate in it, not the Abuelita you usually use but I had something that I thought would work,” he said sitting on the bed. “I think it would be good to air out any concerns or maybe talk about what was making you furrow your brows.”

My cheeks flushed with approval.

“Thank you, that was sweet,” I said, taking another sip not really wanting to dive into my weird brain.

“Look, I don’t want to push you, but I want to make sure you are ok. There is no judgment, and you shouldn’t feel embarrassed,” he said as his gray eyes took me in. “Your feelings are valid. Scenes strip us bare sometimes, don’t feel bad or guilty for what you said, or how you processed everything.”

His words warmed me up even though I was still embarrassed.

“You know what really bothers me,” I said, looking away and feeling vulnerable. “I just don’t know if I’m crossing any boundaries when it comes to the contract.”

“Is there something you don’t understand?”

He pursed his lips making him look adorable.

“Honestly, I just didn’t expect all of this pampering to happen and I’m just afraid of doing something that might take it too far.” I bit my lip, staring down at my cup of coffee. “It just feels oddly like a relationship, and I don’t want to cross a boundary.”

Easton pushed up on my chin, forcing me to look at him.

“We should have explained things better, Noemi.” He scooted closer to me, taking the cup from my hand to put it on the nightstand. “This is a relationship in a way, we just have boundaries, and it will be more sexual in nature. Our emotions will always come first, we take care of you because we don’t want you falling into a bad sub-space, or we want you to flourish in your role as a submissive. How can you do that if we don’t help you and give you tools to do it. As Doms, we love to pamper and take care of our submissive, during and outside of our scenes, it's in our nature.”

I nodded as he held my face in his hands.
