Page 56 of Ours

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“Yeah, my overbearing pain in the ass husbands,” she said as she rubbed her chest looking annoyed.

I chuckled. “That’s awesome. I’m sure they are a handful.”

“You have no idea, sometimes I love them with all of my being and sometimes they get on my nerves so much that I want to throw them out,” she said looking back at the wall. “It doesn’t help that I’m pregnant and both of them have gone into caveman mode.”

I laughed and that sounded wonderful but I’m sure after a while being in a relationship with two men was hard.

“So, what did you need help with?” I walked to the wall she was looking at.

“I can’t decide on a color and what I want the room to look like.” We looked at the swatches.

“Boy or girl?” I asked.

“We don’t know, and I don’t know if we want to find out,” she said, rubbing her stomach.

“I think I like the gray or this taupe,” I said, stepping up to the wall. “That way if you don’t find out you can keep it neutral and whether you have a boy or girl, blues, greens and pinks or purples will go well with it.”

“That’s a good point,” she said looking around the room like she was picturing different things.

“There’s a store in the mall that caters to nothing but baby neutral, it’s a really cute store,” I said, sparking a conversation with Lola that lasted almost an hour.

When Lincoln got home looking for her, I felt slightly uncomfortable excusing myself, but she asked if she could have my number. Lola was very nice and talked about maybe grabbing lunch. Maybe we could be good friends?

Walking into my apartment plummeted my mood. The stark contrast of Lola’s life and mine didn’t help either. While she lived in a penthouse with two men who loved her, I was stuck in an apartment that I had to share with four women. After getting something to snack on, I worked on getting my bills paid.

This is why I was in a shitty mood lately, bills were due and seeing my bank account literally disappear fucking sucked. As I paid the last bill, my anger made me want to cry. I was in this situation because of my ex. He took advantage of my love to start his own business and when I found out the loan was on the house my grandparents had left me, I was devastated.

When my grandparents died they left me and my two sisters the house but since they were happily married and one of them had kids they left the house to me. Right now, someone was renting it since it was in Colorado Springs. But that barely paid for the loan and a small R & M account in case I needed to fix something on the house. I had been debating if I should sell the house so that I could be almost debt free, but I didn’t know if I could part from my grandparent’s house. They raised me there after my parents died when I was fourteen. I didn’t know if I could part with all that love I received in that house.

He left me with credit cards and loans. It was so much debt that I was seriously thinking about declaring bankruptcy just so I wouldn’t lose my grandparents' home. My life was a financial mess all because of this man and I had no way to prove he swindled me. He took my happiness, my security and my dreams away, all so he could get himself off the ground with his new company.

I didn’t realize that the future he had been planning for didn’t include me, and he already had his family. Putting everything away, I climbed into bed feeling emotionally raw. Being with Easton and Vincent opened my eyes, making me realize I had been settling for a man who only gave me ten percent. He also made me feel inferior, would make fun of me for my likes and wants, and he never let go of an opportunity to make me feel like a whore for liking certain things in bed.

My life was better without him but why did I have to endure all the bullshit he put me through? I was so desperate to fit the mold of a woman, I lost myself in the process, thinking I had to get married and have kids. My life had always been surrounded by people who were in happy marriages and had great kids, I just always assumed that was what was in store for me. Now I had no idea what the hell to do with myself. All I knew was I was going to enjoy Easton and Vincent before I went back to my reality of being alone and in fucking debt.



Astack of papers was thrown on my desk. I looked up at Lincoln who I didn’t even hear come into the room. I was looking at a previous text on my phone that I had written to Noemi and Easton because I had a meeting I could not reschedule tomorrow.

We tried to get together during the week to see each other but that hadn’t worked out either and I was itching to see them. Easton still needed to be punished for his video call, but in all honesty, I was glad he did that. I hated being teased but to see Noemi bouncing on his cock was what I needed to survive that work trip.

“Hello, earth to Vincent?!” Lincoln's voice brought me out of my thoughts.

“What?” I snapped, regretting it immediately.

He raised his brows at me.

“Sorry, I’m cranky,” I said, picking up the papers he threw on my desk.

“You’ve been in a mood since you came back from New York.” He sat down in the chair in front of me.

I almost wanted to tell him why, but I didn’t want to admit to fucking his assistant when he asked me to stay away. I’m sure he wouldn’t appreciate it, but Noemi and Easton were like chips and queso for me. It’s not like I could have one without the other. I’d eventually had to tell Lincoln, but I needed to talk to Noemi first.

“I’ve just been stressed,” I grumbled.

“Stressed or horny?” Lincoln laughed.
