Page 70 of Ours

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I glanced down at my phone as I walked away from the park, seeing the group message and closing it quickly. As much as I wanted to ask for help, I couldn’t rely on anyone but myself. My heart and my life couldn’t survive another devastation. Easton and Vincent's relationship was just physical, we filled a sexual need, and this was temporary. It’s not like I could trust my ex’s best friend with my problems, right?



Walking into The Atelier, my eyes quickly glanced around for Noemi. After she canceled last weekend saying she had to work, I had been on edge to see her. Most of the people were half-naked and the party looked to be a success.

I said hello to a few people as I made my way to the bar, ordering a scotch while I looked around some more. It wasn’t long until I spotted Easton’s light blond hair right next to Genevieve’s reddish hair talking to a couple.

The man was Luke and his wife, Charlotte, who had recently joined the kink scene. It seemed Luke loved to be dominated and what better person to be their guide than Genevieve. By the looks on Charlotte’s and Luke’s face they were smitten with her. The community here in Denver wasn’t a big one when I left, but now it had more than doubled in size and more than half the people here were new.

New York’s kink community was massive, making me miss the intimate feeling of Denver. It was nice to know most of the subs, doms and mistresses in the area. In a way, we were kind of like family.

I downed my scotch, and ordered another one before I went to say hi to Easton. We spent the weekend together, giving me a reprieve from missing Noemi too much but also adding to the longing. While I loved that we each had a relationship, we were better when we were all together.

“Hello, Daddy.” A woman sat next to me, laying a hand on my shoulder.

I glanced at her hand, raising my brow at her.

“Name’s Eliza,” she said, leaning forward so her lingerie pushed her chest out.

I glanced down quickly then back to her face. She wasn’t my type, she was way too pushy and all I wanted to do was push her hand away.

“Hello, sir.”

I knew it was Easton, but I didn’t expect him to take her hand off my shoulder and kiss me quickly on the lips, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

“Real classy, Easton.”

The woman sneered, sliding off the seat and quickly leaving us.

“She’s a gold-digging sub, the worst sub at that,” Easton said, watching her walking away.

“Are you jealous, Easton?”

I grinned at him, liking this side of him.

“Of course, as long as there are signatures on that paper, you are mine,” he said, looking back at me. “Also, the wrath of Noemi shouldn’t be played with.”

He nodded in the distance as I caught the glare of Noemi directed at me. The fire in her eyes made me even harder.

“I would have bet all my savings on Noemi because she looked like she was on her way to ripping Eliza’s arms off and beating her with them,” he said, winking at Noemi.

I laughed at the visual.

“A little gory for my taste but I would pay money to see that interaction,” I said, cupping his cheek so he could look at me, capturing his lips in a sensual kiss.

I wasn’t used to public displays of affection, they seemed pointless, but with Easton and Noemi, everyone in the room needed to know who they belonged to. It was a primal part of me that wanted to beat my chest like a madman, but that also frightened me a little. No one had ever made me feel this way, not even my ex-wife.

“Hors d’oeuvres?”

“Hello, Bambi. Love the costume.” Easton took a small bruschetta she offered.

Noemi did a little curtsy, with a small smile on her lips.

“I live to serve, sirs,” she purred.

“I need you on your knees, Noemi,” I growled, hating that she was working while all I wanted to do was have fun with her. “I’ve reserved a room.”
