Page 69 of Ours

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“Three and it's my last offer. Don’t ask me again.”

“Fine, three days,” I said, feeling like I might vomit.

He gave me a sadistic smile. I hated this fucking man. “Pay up.”

“My card is in the apartment,” I said, worried he might just say fuck it and not let me in, so he could use the card.

He stared at me, his eyes shifting back and forth between us all.

“Don’t fuck with me,” he growled, walking past me.

I grabbed the girls’ hands, following him to our apartment. He opened the door for us, the girls ran inside, and I went straight for my bedroom. As soon as I walked in, I noticed that Nela’s side wasn’t as messy. The bed was made, no clothes were on the floor and her dresser was actually clean.

I’m a fucking idiot. I should have seen this coming. I should have paid more attention.

Going to my side of the room, I went to my nightstand, pulled open the drawer and popped open the bottom of it. It was my entire savings I was going to make extra payments on two of my credit cards. My lip trembled when I looked down at the money knowing I should keep this so I could find something else, but I needed my things and the girls needed their school stuff.

My heart pounded loudly in my ears, thinking I should just take this money and leave. I needed to take care of myself, I needed to worry about me. There was no one who would take care of me, I was the only person I could rely on.

Grabbing the closest bag I had, I stuffed clothes in it, putting in my laptop and my black heels. That’s when I heard Marsha talking on the phone with her family.

“No, Noemi is fronting the money, but I don’t know what to do. You think dad…” she sighed. “Mom what am I supposed to do, I…”

Fuck. I couldn’t leave them.

I dropped the bag on the floor, walking to the front door where our sleazy landlord was looking around, calculating what was worth selling.

“Here’s your money.” I gave him the cash.

“I thought you said it was a card.” He narrowed his eyes on me.

“I remembered I had cash.” I shrugged, hating the way he was looking at me.

“Three days, Noemi, don’t make me regret it,” he said, looking me up and down like I was a piece of ass before he left.

I shivered, feeling exhausted from this whole exchange and devastated that all that money had gone down the drain.


The entire situation was sinking in, and I had to get out of here.

“I need a moment, I’ll be back,” I said, leaving before they could respond.

I clenched my jaw in anger, trying to keep my tears at bay. The building was closing in on me, my heart was racing, and I felt like I couldn’t breathe.

Once I got out, I was just walking aimlessly because my life felt like it was just going to shit and no matter how hard I tried to make it work, I was still drowning. I walked until I got to the local park, sitting on a bench. The park was busy with family and children running around, laughing and having fun. I admired all the happy faces before I tried to figure out a way to make these next three days work for me.

Pulling my phone from my jacket, I pulled up my chat with Easton and Vincent, debating if I should ask them if I could stay with one of them or maybe they knew of a place for me. I hit the message button when I heard a familiar voice.

“One, two three!”

It had been seven months since I'd heard that voice and it was already too soon to deal with the tidal wave of emotions that came with it.

Don’t look up.

I didn’t need to make myself suffer anymore, but my stupid brain didn’t care. Looking up, I saw my ex-fiancé with his wife and daughters. He had his youngest strapped to him while he and his wife swung their oldest daughter, who squealed in delight. My heart constricted, my lungs burned for oxygen and my jaw hurt from clenching it so tightly.

Getting up quickly, my phone fell to the ground making a loud sound. I prayed that he didn’t look over here. Embarrassment made my cheeks hot as tears streamed down my face. Out of all the fucking days to see him, it had to be today. It just felt like life was kicking me in the stomach while I was already down, proving its point that it wasn't done making me miserable yet.
