Page 96 of Ours

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Her family was so close that I wouldn't be surprised if they knew everything about each other and loved them no matter what. I longed for this kind of acceptance when jealousy hit me, wondering how much easier Noemi’s life had been since she had a family who accepted her.

“Have you ever dyed it?” she asked, ignoring her mom.

“No, I’ve never thought about it,” I said, smiling, while she looked like she wanted to color my hair.

“Isabella, leave Easton alone.” Rosa pulled her daughter away.

“It’s fine,” I said smiling.

“Isabella will probably be a hairstylist when she grows up.” Noemi sat next to me. “You do have what a lot of women would deem ‘dream hair’.”

She ran her hand through my hair as I leaned into it wanting nothing more than to kiss her. I kept my hands to myself, feeling her sister Samantha looking at us, like she was trying to figure out all our secrets.

“So are Vincent and Easton our uncles too?” Rosa’s youngest Alba asked the table.

Someone spit their drink out, and we all went silent.

“They can’t both be our uncles, only one of them is banging her,” Isabella said, rolling her eyes at her sister.

Noemi put her face in her hands, clearly embarrassed as I laughed, seeing Vincent looking amused.

“Aye dios mio, niños.” Rosa said, putting her face into her hands. “I blame you, Samantha.”

“Oh, whatever, it’s not my fault she came in when we were talking about it,” Samantha laughed. “My kid was in the playroom; it was your kids who walked in on our conversation.”

“Yeah, but I was talking about coloring, and you kept saying banging.” Rosa glared at her husband who was finding it just as funny as I did.

“Oh, we know Noemi doesn’t just color with one color, she apparently likes a variety of colors,” Samantha said, raising her eyebrows suggestively.

Vincent choked on his drink, making me laugh harder.

“Guys, can we not talk about my coloring habits at the table?” Noemi’s face was extremely red.

“Hey, color all you want with every color in the box or even two at the same time,” Sadie, Samantha’s wife, spoke up.

“Might as well add a third color, you have enough holes in your sharpener to accommodate that many,” Samantha laughed.

Noemi snorted and we all laughed with her. Juan took pity on Noemi and changed the subject, asking Vincent and I what we did. Lunch was filled with the girls ribbing each other, amazing food and a sense of belonging I didn’t expect to feel on my way here. I laughed more than I expected I would, feeling lighter as the meal went on.

“That was delicious, Rosa,” Vincent said, her name sounding exotic as he said it.

“It was amazing,” I said, leaning back on the chair, regretting not coming in sweats like Noemi had suggested.

“We still have dessert and Noemi’s amazing pumpkin flan.” Samantha got up, grabbing some plates and I helped her.

“I’ve got it, Easton,” she said.

“I don’t mind,” I said, grabbing Vincent's plate, wanting to kiss him.

“Let me go get the flan and we can cut it here at the table.” Noemi got up with me, touching my ass quickly.

I narrowed my eyes at her as she gave me a sly smile.

We walked to the kitchen behind Samantha, leaving the plates by the sink and going back for some more dishes. Vincent and Juan were talking about the game on the TV while the kids watched something on a tablet in the living room. This is how a holiday should be. Comfortable, warm, loving and just spending time with each other. I didn’t really know how much I was missing out on until right now. Resentment towards my parents grew tenfold, they had robbed me of moments like these.

The only thing that was important to them was their reputation and their money. I only had my sister, and while I loved being with her and my niece, I always felt like we had missed out on so much more. Grabbing the rest of the plates, I made my way back into the kitchen.

“Please tell me you're happy, that's all we want to know,” Rosa requested from her sister.
