Page 19 of Jagged Edges

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Chapter seven


Leaning forward with my forearms resting on the bar, I sketch the picture from memory, closing my eyes when I need to recall the distinct features such as the tiny scar above his lip, or the intricate tattoos that crawl up his neck.

Spencer left for the night, Zeke is getting layout for our new security system, and I only have a few straggling customers left. Leaving me largely alone with my thoughts, and my thoughts always come out in pictures on paper. Lately though, my thoughts seem to have zeroed in on two very specific things. Or I guess I should say two very specific men.

“Man, that’s so fucking dope.”

Startled, I push myself to an upright standing position and drag the paper off of the bar, immediately crumpling it in my hands. My eyes flick up and I’m met with a set of dark blue eyes that I usually admire from a distance, and it makes my heart leap into my throat. While Riot and I see each other all the time, my interactions with Zeke have been few and far between. Despite that fact, something about Zeke makes my stomach flutter. Those weird, nervous flutters you got back in high school when you developed a first crush. Those flutters that made waves all the way up to your throat, making it impossible to formulate a complete sentence. Zeke is that cool, sexy, confident guy that never would have looked twice at someone like me.

“Oh, h-hey, can I get you a drink?” I smile, attempting to appear unaffected by his presence.

“Let me see that,” he replies as he leans across the bar, grabbing my hand and prying the paper from my fist. Okay, maybe not prying because I’m not trying to appear completely psychotic by holding onto a piece of paper with the clutches of death, but I definitely didn’t make it easy on him.

“It- it’s nothing really, I was just messing around, I -”

“Cole, this is really sick. I had no idea you were an artist,” he murmurs as he flattens the paper down on the bar, running his fingertips across the lines and shading.

“I’m no- I do- I was just kinda messing around,” I mutter, running one hand through my sandy blonde hair, and glancing around the bar awkwardly, trying to fixate my eyes on anything that isn’t Zeke Adams.

“Nah, this is not messing around. This takes serious talent,” he exhales, “but um…”


“Is this? Well I don’t wanna sound presumptuous or anything but uh,”

Great Cole, you made things awkward. Here we go.

“Yeah, I uh, it’s you. Sorry, I know that’s weird. I just…”

I reach my hand out to take the drawing back but he looks up at me and smiles. Like this really big, toothy, cheesy grin and I’m not sure if it’s a good or a bad thing, but I like the way it looks. I like the way it feels.

What’s wrong with me? Zeke has Riot and Riot has Zeke. Cole is not part of the equation.

“Not weird at all. Can I… Can I keep this?”

“Oh, I mean, yeah sure,” I bob my head awkwardly.

Pull yourself together man!

“So, yeah, that drink?”

“Oh yeah,” he nods his head as he folds up the scrap of paper, placing it in his pocket. “I’m still working so just a beer, but make it a tall one.”

Pulling a tall glass out from beneath the bar, I fill it slowly and I can feel him still looking at me. His eyes roam over me but I can’t read his expression. It doesn’t quite look like he wants to rip me apart, but this intrigued look on his face does tell me he wants to know more. And I don’t know what to do with that.

I want, no, need to know what it feels like to be in his orbit.

In their orbit.

Sliding the beer over to Zeke with one hand, I lean forward, resting my forearms on the bar.

“You get everything you need for the security systems?”

As he sips the beer, he nods his head, “Yeah I have some ideas now that I know what all we’re working with. I might need to come back to double check a few things once it gets rolling though.”

“Yeah, I mean if Spencer’s not here, I am, so just let us know what you need.”
