Page 107 of Canvas

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I thought I was furious before? That’s nothing compared to the need to destroy this son-of-a-bitch now.

Steve’s shoving a half-naked, tied-up Summer into a closet with his fucking foot and her hair.

“Goddamn it, you drew blood, you filthy whore!” he yells at her as he raises his hand again to hit her.

“If you fucking touch her again, I’ll saw off every fucking piece of your body nice and slow, and keep you awake to feel every pain I inflict on you until I let you die,” my chest is heaving with each breath I take, I’m so enraged.

He whips his head around to look at me.

Immediately I realize he’s not holding a weapon.

“Get out, I’m done with you. She’s not your property, she belongs to The Club, and she was given to me. She’s mine.”

Summer’s eyes are filled with horror as she looks at me.

It guts me, cuts me right in half. Everything about her. The pain, the shock, the bruises, the raw skin. Every. Goddamn. Thing.

My eyes return to the prick. “I know all about The Club…and your father.” I glance back at her. Hopefully my expression tells her none of that shit matters, she’s what matters. “I know about your father too, princess.”

Her lip quivers, her face falls, and any hope she might have had disappears from her eyes before she turns away.

Another knife twists in my gut.

Steve turns to face me completely.

“I have no idea how you’re aware of any information, but it really does make this simpler.” He places himself directly between Summer and I, blocking her from my view. “Leave now and I won’t have you arrested.”

There’s a commotion happening downstairs.

“You’re not going up there, not until Rock brings her down,” Bull’s deep voice is saying.

“She’s my daughter and she belongs to me,” a man snaps.

Summer peeks out from behind Steve’s legs, her eyes wide and terrified.

Steve’s expression morphs to smug satisfaction. “Ah, they’re here. Time to go, darling. I’m taking you home.”

Enough of this shit!

Looking past Steve, I ask her. “You coming with me, princess?”

I feel Snake by my side.

“She’s not going anywhere with you, filth. We’re going home where she belongs,” Steve sneers as he takes a step toward me.

My eyes haven’t left Summer’s. They’re filled with agony and uncertainty.

Scuffling and raised voices can be heard from downstairs.

“If you set one finger on me, you’ll spend the rest of your sorry life in jail,” the unknown man drawls.

Got to be the piece of shit father.

“Well, sir, from what I’ve heard, it’s all y’all that are going to be each other’s bitches behind bars.” Bull fucking laughs. “Hell, I might even come and pay you a visit just to watch you get your just rewards.”

I love that fucking guy!

“What’s it going to be, princess?” I ask her again. “Me or them?” I watch her, and wait. My eyes soften, letting her know everything’s going to be okay. “You want to come home with us, or go with them?”
