Page 108 of Canvas

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Her battered face brightens. And it warms every damn thing inside me.

“You, Rock.” Her voice cracks with emotion.

“Good choice,” I fucking beam at her.

I shove my gun in its holster and step forward, my hand moving to my back pocket for my blade. My eyes are now fixed on the scumbag in front of me.

I’m going to gut him open, pull out his fucking intestines, and strangle him with them!

“Wait just a minute,” Steve sputters.

Steve moves to step in front of me.

Stupid, stupid boy.

Snake moves so quickly, I don’t even see him, and cuts me off as I flick open my knife.

Snake hits him with the heel of his palm to his nose, not enough to imbed it into his brain, but enough to do some serious damage. As Steve crumples forward, Snake takes him out with a punch to his gut, complete with a “YAAAAAHHH!”

Snake is a martial arts expert, or some shit like that.

He just saved your fucking life.

I keep moving to the only thing, the only person that matters. Even with her legs and arms bound, her pants around her ankles, and her face bruised and raw, she’s absolutely stunning, regal. She’s a fucking princess.

“I’ll take him,” Snake says. He grabs Steve by his hair, the same way I found him holding Summer when I got here. “Come on, let’s go say hi to your friends.”

I kneel down beside Summer.

“Hey, princess, you okay?”

Tears are streaming down her face.

“How’d you know?” she whispers tightly.

“Which part? Where to find you? That you were gone? Or about them?”

She chokes out a quiet little sob. “All of it I guess.”

“Let me get you untied. We’ll have plenty of time for all of that. I want to get you home.”

She sighs. It’s more than just a breath, it’s her letting go of all of the goddamn burdens she’s been carrying on her shoulders, the weight of all her pain and anguish. It’s the chains of her imprisonment finally, FINALLY, falling off.

She shuffles and gives me her back so I can get her arms cut free. When I do, she moans from the pain of being bound for so long as she moves her arms. Fury flares up within me again. She turns for me to cut her legs loose next.

I rub the rope marks around her ankles gently to get the blood flowing as I silently fume. “Give me your wrists,” I say quietly.

As the men shout at each other downstairs, Steve screaming like a little pussy that Snake broke his nose, the man I believe is Summer’s father insisting Bull let him get to his daughter, Summer and I just stare at each other.

“I reckon she doesn’t belong to you anymore, from the looks of things,” Bull says. He’s enjoying himself, the sick bastard. “Seems to me, we’re her family now. And for the record,” his voice becomes ominous, “we’re mighty protective of our own.”

I smile at her. “Let’s get you fixed up,” I say as I start to pull her pants up.

She’s quiet and she’s smiling, but the tears haven’t stopped.

“Thank you,” she whispers.

“Hush, princess,” I lean in and place a light kiss on her lips. “Time to go home.”
